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I look a lot younger. I ruffled my blonde hair, and to be honest, I never left the mirror since yesterday. I seriously look a lot younger. Should I keep dyeing my hair then? But what if I get bald?

I smiled at the mirror before wearing a cap, I still have to go to the studio. Why did I accept the offer of writing songs for that singer anyway? It's not like I'm broke or anything. And now I'm sacrificing my rest days for her album. Yay.

I dragged my feet towards the front door, shouting a 'I'll be going to the studio' before closing the door shut.

I should be oversleeping because it's a Sunday, but I'm forcing myself to be productive today. Since the studio isn't that far from home, I decided to just walk.

I walked along the busy sidewalk, filled with children racing each other with their bikes or adults rushing towards somewhere I don't even know. After a bus passed by, I'm thankful that I decided to walk rather than taking the bus. Aside from saving money, I saved myself from the situation inside the bus. It's filled with passengers and I don't even like squishing myself between those people, it annoys me so much.

I sighed when a I saw a familiar building. I can spot a crowd in the main entrance even though I'm still quite far from it.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Great, she's here," I whispered to myself.

Every Sundays, the back entrance of the studio is locked, so I have to squish myself between those fans of hers. How amazing is that?

I fixed my cap and squished myself between the crowd. I said a few excuse me's and sorry's whenever I bump to someone. And finally, I reached the main entrance, shirt crumpled and my neck glistening with sweat.

I didn't even try to fix myself, I immediately went straight towards the elevator, but someone grabbed my arm.

"I've been waiting for you." I wanted to roll my eyes at her, but I can't tolerate any of her 'Did you just rolled your eyes on me?!' to be followed by her exaggerated gasp. Guess who just grabbed my arm? Of course, it's the one and only (bratty) singer, Park Eunjin. She went heart eyes on me in front of her fans. This is why I can read articles about her dating a producer. (Guess who the producer is?)

I can feel the glares of her male fans, if there are no guards here, they'll probably pounce on me as if I'm their prey. I tried removing her hand on my arm, but she just tightened her grip. I winced when her nails dug on my skin when she tighten her grip, oh gosh, can I just push her to her fans? But that will get me trouble, so no.

I leveled my lips to her ear, mentally preparing myself for the new articles later, and whispered, "Can you just let me go to work?"

She smiled at me again, batting her eyelashes, "Let's go together, Yoongi oppa."

Ugh, can she not? She's a year older than me yet she keeps on calling me 'oppa'. I rolled my eyes before turning my heel, proceeding towards the elevator. I accidentally dragged her because she kept on holding onto my arm, her fault not mine.

As soon as we entered the elevator, I immediately faced her, "You have to record two songs today. And I hope that you'll do great because I want to go home early."

"How about we eat lunch together?" She asked, which was ignored by me because I immediately entered the studio when the elevator door opened. I heard her huff in annoyance, but I ignored her again. I'm used to her bratty attitude anyways.

I started doing my own business but Eunjin just won't leave me alone, "So if I do great today, you must go out with me."


Seokjin hyung's not mad. I was shocked, very shocked. I came home with blonde hair yesterday, but he just looked at me, ruffled my hair (he did that with a smile!) and calmly proceeded in cooking dinner. I was expecting him to scold me today because maybe he was in a good mood yesterday so he postponed the scolding, but he smiled at me instead of greeting me with a scoff.

"Your school fair's on Tuesday, right?" Seokjin hyung asked in the midst of our brunch. I gave him a nod and studied hyung's face as I eat my meal. I still don't get it, why isn't he mad at me? He almost kicked me out when he saw my hair dyed pink, but why is he acting like it's nothing now?

"Stop staring, Kook."

"Why aren't you mad?" I can't help but ask, okay? This is very unusual of Seokjin hyung! He chuckled and looked straight into my eyes, is he going to scold me now?

"Look, I know you won't believe this, but I'm not going to scold you because your hair is dyed blonde. I came into a realization that you're not dyeing your hair, so you can stop worrying now." I was left in shock. Seokjin hyung believes me? That my hair changes color magically? That's impossible! I stared at Seokjin hyung with wide eyes and an open mouth, I really can't believe what he just said.

Seokjin hyung sighed upon seeing my reaction and said, "You know those soulmate thingies, right?"

"What?" I was confused. What does soulmates have to do with our conversation?

Seokjin hyung made a few hand gestures, something he does when he tries elaborating a certain topic. But he ended up sighing and ruffling his hair, "You talk to me when you're thinking straight."

And with that, Seokjin hyung left me alone in the dining area. Well, I guess I can't process things fast right now. I mean, I just woke up.

I finished my meal and went upstairs. I dialled Yoonseok's number as soon as I reached my room, but he's not picking up. I guess he's busy, so I went to dial Taehyung, who answered instantly.

"Hey, Kook."

"Hey, Tae. Let's hang out."

- - - - -


Sorry for not updating, our class had to do a play and we just presented last week and now we just finished our exams. I'll try updating more 😅

And thank you for 31k reads 🙏💖

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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