Act X: The Engagement

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  • Dedicated to Sev Valderama


I looked at myself in front of the mirror with adoration. I’m wearing an old European dress—my mother’s gown when she was engaged to my father. I had her complete set of diamonds on, a gift from my abuela when they got married.

            I feel like the most beautiful woman tonight—probably, better be the whole universe, as I looked up the clear blue eyes of the man I’m going to marry... the man I’ll spent my entire life with.

            Either I love him or not.

            But when my gaze drifted back at the mirror, gazing at myself standing there with this gorgeous man stnading beside me, I realized two things at the same time. The things I didn’t realize that morning as we shared that sensual molten-rocked-kiss in my bedroom—so close to losing the line of our senses.

            That I, Sydney Shelton is finally beginning to fall in love with this arrogant bastard whom I kissed many times in just three days since we met each other.

            And that I, Sydney Shelton, the heiress of Marcus Shelton, is willing to be wed to Gilbert Castillo even without my Abuela’s dying wish with all my heart and soul and spend the rest of my life with him.

            I silently thanked my abuela as he lead me towards the center of the dance floor where my parents were waiting, champagne flutes on hand.

            “Ladies and Gents, may I have your attention,” Marcus Shelton’s voice boomed across the garden.

            Every guests stopped what they are doing all at once. Silence echoes amongst the crowds’ ears.

            “Tonight, I formally announce the engagement of my daughter, Sydney Shelton with the most sought bachelor chef all over Europe, Gilbert Castillo.” The moment my dad finished his little speech, applaused and cheers from the guests filled my ears.

            From the table where reporters were assigned, one photographer asked for a kiss—maybe to be featured as front page in the business sections of tabloids.

            Overwhelmed, I looked up and met Gilbert’s clear blue eyes. His was filled with a respectful please—asking for persmission. I nod and he obliged the photographer’s request.

            He planted a quick kiss on my forehead followed by a long tender sweet kiss on my lips, much to the delight of the crowd.

            He leaned forward and whispered on my ear, “I love you...” the words that made my heart beat erratically.

            I blinked then smiled at him as I cannot find any words to describe what I feel for him.

            “I like to propose a toast,” my mother’s soothing voice brought me back to reality.

            “Cheers!” chorused everyone.

            The party began with our first dance.

            He’s holding my waist tightly but I didn’t complain. I like how I feel so comfortable and safe in his arms.

            Now, I sound like a real romantic... Is love one of the words included in my vocabulary now? Probably... most probably YES!

            “You’re so quiet,” he gently carresed my cheeks. “Are you alright?”

            “Y-yes. I-I was just thinking that we startedn on the wrong foot... a-and... and if we’re going to be married I think it’s only proper that we get to know each other better, right?”

            There, I said it.

            He smiled handsomely. Handsomely? How can he even do that? Is there such thing? My mind fussed again, aish!

            “Sure. So, what does my lovely soon-to-be-bride have in mind? What do you want to know?”

            “I-i don’t know,” I honestly admitted. I want to know so much about this man yet I don’t know where to begin.

            “Hmm, aside from being a chef you already know I’m in love with you for so long... no need to exaggerate that. But we could talk about this personal matter some other time, perhaps a date. Don’t you agree?”

            “I-i okay... yeah,” I agreed even though I want to start the getting to know stage that very moment.

            But oh well, it would be much better to talk about each others likes, dislikes, hobbies and interest over a romantic dinner.

            Our dance ended with another sweet and tender kiss  before we mingle seperately with our guests.

            The food was a blast. The crowd enjoyed every bite of the meals served from appetizer to desserts proving the world class skill of my fiance.

            My heart swell with pride. I am so proud of him.

            Ah, I’m definetly losing my mind over this so called LOVE...


Author's note: Upnext... "The First date" ever... :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2013 ⏰

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