Act VIII: Market Mayhem

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“WHAT are we doing here?” I asked, scowling. Why the hell are we stopping over in a dirty pavement with a noisy crowd? How could he take an heiress in such a place?

            “Since this is a market, we are here to shop… well, obviously,” he smirked sarcastically making me more annoyed. I wake up early for such stupid fly and now this…

            “Did you actually think I would step out in there?” he wiggled an eyebrow, confidently stepping out of the car. “Go back in here you idiot! We could shop at the supermarket…” I hissed.

            He ignored me in return. He walked over the passenger side, opening the door of Syd in an easy swing. “Sweetheart, it’s just 7:00am in the morning, a supermarket opens 10:00am!” he said before dragging me out of the car.

            ‘Ow!’ I winced in pain as his hand tightly grasps my elbow. I wiggled out of his hold. Embarrassed from the stares we’re getting from the old couple passing our way.

            “Ah… a Lover’s quarrel early this morning!” the old lady exclaimed. The old man walking by her side—hand in hand, softly chuckled. “You must be newly weds? That often happens after the wedding… post-jitters,” he commented gaily.

            Finally, Gilbert let go of my now probably bruised elbow. “My wife… Ah, she must be nagilihi!” I gasped; I nudged him as soon as those words were out of his mouth. His tongue must be cut off! What a liar!

            “Is that so? Then you must take good care of her and broaden your mind. You must bear in mind the virtue of patience. Pregnant women we’re just like that at the beginning,” the old lady smiled sweetly. She guessed she’s a psychiatrist or OB back in her young age.

            I gave her my winning fake smile. I would kill a fly later. “Don’t worry, grandma I will!” he said with a wide grin on his face. It only makes me wanna peel his skin.

            “We’ll go ahead!” the old man finally said to her relief.

            “How dare you!” I exclaimed, facing him when the two oldies were out of ear shot. He pinched my cheeks without saying a word.

            He walks towards the line of noisy vendors selling meats, leaving me behind. I stomp my foot but eventually followed his pursuit. I can get lost in this kind of place and that would be bad for I do not have any sense of direction—one of the reason I hired a driver even though I can maneuver a car perfectly fine.

            “Why are we even shopping when we could cater?” I innocently asked, ignoring the fact that my soon-to-be-husband is a well-known chef.

            “They said the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and you said that you wanted me to teach you how to love…” I am smart and I can read between the lines. He think this going to work for me? I’m not even a man, anyway.

            “Hah! Let’s see…” I arrogantly replied. I wouldn’t believe of his skills until my taste buds approve of it. “And make sure the guests tonight would like the food I hate getting embarrassed in public!” I said, giving emphasize at the last three words.

            “Who said you’re the one going to be embarrassed?” I looked up at him with wonder. Ah, those eyes give me shivers up to my spine whenever I looked at it. “We’re cooking the menu together, darling!” he sing-sang, making my eyes widen in surprise. I do not even know how to fry a simple scrambled egg, how else does he think I can managed a whole menu of delicious dishes?

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