Chapter 37

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A/N: The instrumental song I included here suits the whole chapter, I believe. ㅎㅎ It doesn't really matter if you want to play it or not though, either way, I hope you enjoy reading it! ^^

"아이씨! 야 진짜~! (Ya, seriously)", I yelled, struggling to break free from Dong Min hyung's tight grip around my neck. Upon looking up at the person who just giggled above us a while ago, I realized that it was actually Jo Eun who was inside my room and locked the door, and she's the reason why I'm still on a headlock right now!!! Ugh~ How could I be so unlucky today...... _ノフ○

"He he~ Oppa, are you okay?", Jo Eun giggled. Did she really just asked me that?!!! And she even giggled at me! Aish, this kid! I can't believe she has the nerve to do thaaat! (⋟﹏⋞)

"Ha ha ha! What now, Youngie? Ha ha! You think you can beat me? Ha ha ha ha!", mocked Dong Min hyung while laughing hysterically. As he did, I noticed his arms that was currently wrapped around my neck lose its grip.

'Now is the time!', I thought and counted on three before forcefully pushing his arms away from my neck. He grunted as I did but as soon as I started getting onto my feet, he began pulling my leg, again!


"I'm not letting you go!", Dong Min hyung shouted as he tried bending my leg which made me groan in pain. Aiyoo~ he's trying to kill me! Halppp!!! (。'>д<)っ

"HYUUUUNNGG! UGHHH~! HYEONGGGGGGG!", I screamed my lungs out. IT HUUUUURRTTTSS! (ᗒᗩᗕ)՞ What kind of brother is he?! This isn't even wrestling anymoreee~!


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"Aish! YA! What are you two doing?!", the moment we heard his voice, we immediately stopped what we're doing. Looking up, we saw Soon hyung standing right in front of us wearing his backpack on his other shoulder, annoyance was written all over his face.

Jo Eun on the other hand, was still standing beside my bedroom door, watching and laughing at us at the same time. (;一ω一||)

"Aiyoo~ hyung! Where have you been?", Dong Min hyung asked as he got up shaking off the dirt from his clothes. I got up as well right after him and did the same thing.

"Somewhere. Aish, you didn't even answer my question. You guys are so loud, stop playing in the hallway already~! We'll be having dinner soon.", he ordered. And with that, he left us and started heading towards his room.

"*Sigh, Ya Shin Young. Next time, start going to the gym. You can't even beat me, ha ha.", he mocked and gave me a tap on my shoulder.

"Well, at least I'm still taller than you, hyung~!", I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Tsch! But that doesn't change the fact that I'm stronger than you~", bragged Dong Min hyung and he laughed again. (¬_¬)

"Aish...", I muttered, pouting my mouth as I face the girl who's the REASON why this hyung kept bragging stuff and mocking me~! If it weren't because of her, I won't have to wrestle with this guy and definitely won't have to scream my lungs out so much. My throat felt sore already I don't even know if I'll start losing my voice soon or not! ㄱ,ㄱ)

"Ya, *cough what the hell are you doing in my room? That's a boy's room, not a girl's.", I told her while entering my room when all of a sudden, Dong Min hyung hit me in the back of my head with his palm. Aish! What is wrong with this guy again?! (¬▂¬)

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