Chapter 7

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"Oppa~ are we there yet?", I asked, with a hint of irritation. Ya~ that was a pretty long walk you know?! (ー ー;)

"Just waiiit, ha ha~ we're almost there.", he said, giggling. Aye, is he even playing tricks on me? ( ̄^ ̄)

. . .

. . . .

. .

"There. Ha ha, you can look now.", he exclaimed in excitement. I then opened my eyes to see a picnic basket and a blanket on the ground just under a pretty huge tree near the lake.

"Whoaaa~ you prepared this?! For reaaaal?!", It was so sudden, really. And the place, it was so good.

"Ye~ I thought you might wanna come here sometime since--", he stopped when I hurriedly hug him. He's such an idiot! He should've told me earlier we're going to have a picnic here~ \(^o^)/

". . . Y-you. . Really like this place.", he continued. Hugging me back. Yhey! Ha ha~ I'm sure he's also prepared something we can do so it won't get boring later.(≧∇≦)


*Shin Young's POV*

Before I knew it, she suddenly hugged me. I was startled as I felt like my face flushed. σ(^_^;) darn, ha ha~ so this is how she reacts whenever surprised. Hugging people in excitement. (ノu^)

"Y-you. . Really like this place.", I hugged her back. Her body felt so warm. Yup! ( ^ω^ )

. . . Wait what? (・・;

I tried to manage feeling her neck with my hand. It was warmer than I thought.

"Ya~ are you by any chance, having a cold?", I suddenly ask, concerned. Well, she doesn't actually likes being taken care of whenever she's sick. She even tries not to tell it to anyone or admit it. She's a really terrible liar, I swear. {(-_-)}

"Huh? Why?", she look up at me, her face full of confusion.

"Your body's warm. Aish, you didn't even answer my question. Did you caught a cold right now?", I demanded, trying to put on a serious face so she won't think I'm fooling around.

"아니요. 왜?(no, why) I don't feel anything weird.", she answered back. Aishh~ this kid, really...

"Ahh, then should we sit down there now?", I started to change the subject. Ah, well~ if she won't tell me the truth right now, I'll just go find it out myself later.

"Yeee~.", she smiled, suddenly giving me a peck on my cheek.

Uh. . . σ(^////////////^;) I didn't expect that, though~


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