Chapter 18

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*Ja Hoon's POV*

6:31 am.

It's Thanksgiving Day and Jo Eun and I, we both have decided last night to wake up earlier so we could spend hours playing outside. Ha ha, hours? Pft~ well, that's exactly what she told me yesterday. Literally for 'hours'. Like at the park, the carnival and... I don't know. Maybe at the riverside too? σ(^_^;)

After a few seconds of stretching, I immediately got up from my bed and started taking a quick rinse in the shower. I dried myself up afterwards and put on my casual clothes, then rushed towards the mirror just beside my closet so to deal with my hair.

For a moment or five, I kept myself busy fixing my physical appearance.

(A/N: Play 야 야 야 of Urban Zakapa)

"Alright, this should do.", I muttered to myself and is almost ready to go when I suddenly remembered something important. I walked towards my night table and pulled the drawer, revealing the letter that Soon hyung thankfully surrendered to me. Ha! I still needed to add something here for my 'baby bear' later. You know, because I just figured that perhaps it's already the right time for me to let her know what my true feelings are. And I don't want to wait for some hindrances to come between us two before I even do that. It's more better to be more early than never, right? (^_−)−☆


I excitedly twisted the doorknob open and began to walk confidently towards her room. I stopped in front of her door, breathed in and sighed before I knocked. Unexpectedly though, after hearing her throbbing door, she instantly opened it wearing her warmest smile while sticking her head from behind.

"Uhhh, you ready?", I smiled back. She nodded shyly in response as she slowly got out closing the door, revealing her gorgeous outfit which made me go 'wow' the moment I saw it.

'Gosh, she's so... Beautiful.', I thought while containing my mouth to gape. She's basically wearing an above-the-knee blue collared dress, an olive-colored hat, a pair of simply designed stockings, a light brown pouch, and a pair of light brown shoes and that pretty much sums her up. *Sigh, just looking at her now though, I don't think the word 'beautiful' is enough for me to describe her. She's more than that, more than what I'm expecting.

. . . . .

*Plick! Plick!

"Oppa~ you alright? Ha ha, Yaaa~ s-stop staring, I'm not gonna melt with that, pft.", and so, she started making sounds with her fingers by flicking it right in front my face, snapping me back to reality. As she did, my face suddenly flushed out in embarrassment, making me grab hold of her hand. She laughed with my sudden actions. Aish... (_\\\\\_)

"Y-ya, I'm n-ot.", I pretended and started dragging her downstairs by the hand.


Arriving at the living room, we saw the four guys watching movies while Soon and Jio hyung were cooking something in the kitchen.

"Uhm.. Guys--", I began.

"Soon oppa! We're going out, ba-bye!", she cheerfully yelled while pulling me towards the main door. The guys, obviously, they're in complete shock as they stared at us for quite a moment.

"To where? . . Ooooohhh.", Soon hyung from the kitchen said, removing the pot holders from his hand when he suddenly made a long 'O' in his mouth. Then let out an amused smile as he was eyeing both of us.

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