Chapter 43

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A/N: Hello! You can play the featured instrumental music for the whole chapter if you want. Up to you~! :)

*At midnight...*

"Ye, hyung... no, they're all asleep and I'm alone here in the kitchen.", once everyone's asleep, I planned to sneak out my room and hide beside the kitchen door which is the same spot I hid when I first heard about what happened to Kimja.

Earlier this night, I already had my eyes on this guy and Soon hyung. I saw them a while ago throwing eye signals at each other just before the guys went upstairs to their respective rooms. About half an hour later after everyone's gone, I came out of the restroom which was just a few steps away from my room and I caught the two of them talking in front of the main door. They're both whispering at each other and after a few minutes, Soon hyung started wearing his shoes and left. At that same time, Jio hyung turned his back at him after he closed the door, then he saw me staring at him from beside the staircase. Our eyes locked for a few seconds but I immediately turned my gaze away from him as I entered my room.

*Sigh, I know right now, he's already thinking about me after that incident occurred. He'd probably tell it to Soon hyung over the phone and try talking to me about it and convince me not to tell the others. And that's why I'm here and eavesdropping at their conversation again. If anything happens, I'll confront this guy as soon as they finished talking. This has to stop and they better be set for it.

"I see... when's he coming home though? ... huh?! Wait, but I thought he's only staying there for 3 days?", I creased my brows as I heard him say it. So, he's saying that Kimja's supposed to come home by tomorrow then?! Hm.

"Friday? You mean we still have 2 days to get him back here?! ... Hyung, you know that we can never hide this from the kids that long, right? All they know is that Ja Hoon went to see the doctor earlier. You told me he'll be back here by midnight, that's why I didn't asked you anymore.", he explained.

"Hyung, seriously... then what are we gonna tell them about him again? That he suddenly has to go back to the doctor again early in the morning and come back midnight on Friday? That doesn't even make sense...", he ran his fingers through his hair, a hint of frustration was evidently shown in his voice.

"*sigh, look. Dong Min-ah saw us earlier, he saw you left... I don't know, but that's what I keep trying to tell you but you aren't listening to me. He's not dumb, hyung. If he finds out about this—", he continued but that's also the time I decided to end it in there. Without further delay, I came out of my hiding spot and barged inside the kitchen. As soon as he saw my face, his eyes grew wide in shock.

"Then what?", I boldly stated with my eyes fiercely fixed at him. Because of that, his hands holding the phone slightly trembled which caused him to drop the call immediately with Soon hyung's confused voice calling him by his name.

"Dong Min-ah... W-what are you doing her—", he began.

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