Chapter 19

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(A/N: play Your Waltz by Afternight Project)

"Oppa! let's go to the--", she tried pulling me by the hand for the THIRD time around but this time, I never let it slide. I stopped myself from walking and wore my straight face the moment she turned her head on me. She pouted and started pulling me again but I still won't budge. That's when she gave up. Pft~ ^^

To be honest, this is absolutely for the third time, I swear! First, we went to the stuffed animals and bought a pair of, no, I mean a set of two bears. Both are colored brown but they've got different designs. Hers has a pink ribbon on its neck (which was the color she actually dislike the most xD) with the letters 'L' and 'O' printed on the center of its stomach, while mine's got a dark purple one with the letters 'V' and 'E'. And... Yeah. Those two bears were partners, I get it. {(-_-)}

Secondly, to the pastry shop. We bought some croissants and a hot chocolate together. Her idea again to go there and I still let it slip. So to sum it up, we spend almost half an hour eating and chatting inside that shop and to tell you, most of the people there are also having the same thoughts about the two of us. I caught some of the waitresses glancing at us, and just by looking at their eyes, I could tell that they're thinking that we're couples.

Then pertaining to the other customers, they're glancing at her as well, mostly the guys, as if I'm not with her that they're acting like I'm all invisible. Worst thing about it though, they're looking at her differently and it pisses me off. They're eyes were wandering at every part of her, just like what a perverted guy does. That's why I convinced her leaving that shop immediately and now she's trying to pull me somewhere again. Tsss.

"Ahhh, oppa~~~", she whined, stomping her feet in the process. Ugh, seriously! I'm the eldest, I'm supposed to be the one deciding whenever! (¬_¬) Tschh, this is Soon hyung's fault. He spoiled this little brat so much.

"Ya! Where to again? The guys back there were already having crazy thoughts just staring at you, you know that?! Tsk. Follow me.", I started walking ahead of her, pulling her by the wrist but she pulled back. I then turned my head at her, annoyed.

"Jo Eun-ah!... Aish.", still as hardheaded as ever, I started to get an idea. 'Fine! If this is what you want...' I thought as I rushed towards her and began wrapping my arm around her shoulders, my other hand at the back of her knee, lifting her up without a warning. As expected, astonishment was written all over her face as it suddenly turned flushing out so much. Now she look so red like cherry. Pft~

"Oppaaaaaaa! Let me down, you--", she began.

"What? You what? Ha ha, tell me.", I teased, cutting her before she could even blurt whatever's on her mind. She pouted and started blushing again. I smiled at her actions, putting her down afterwards the moment I feel the pain in my elbow. As I take a quick look at it, the gauze that I put earlier was getting a red spot on it. I guess the wound opened when I lifted her.

"Omo, oppa. Does it hurt?", she worriedly asked while narrowing her eyes as she examine my elbow. I kept myself staring at her intently until my heart began to race for the, I don't know, eighth time? Aish.

"Uh, Jo Eunie. L-let's go. The clouds are turning grey already.", I changed the subject intentionally and pulled her to my side. Some people were giving us those 'looks' again and I'm so feeling awkwardly uneasy. Gahhh, Kimja! (ノ_<)

"Hmm, so where are we going now?", she questioned while we're walking, my other arm resting on her shoulders.

"Uhm... Oh! To the boutique. Because we need to buy something there.", I excitedly replied only to get a confused look from her. Ha! You'll see once we get there. ^^

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