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Kevin hadn't talked much with his mom since that 'bullshit' incident. There was always an awkward air around the Peterson's.

Sunday afternoon when Claire got home from church, she wanted to fix the gap between her and her son. She was just so upset few days ago cause she never heard her son curse in front of her or anybody until he became friends with Noah.

But now maybe it's time to cut the silence around the house. She can't just stand not talking around the house when in fact it's only her and Kevin living their big but lonely duplex.

She basically passes through the back door leading to the kitchen where she was sure Kevin was there.

"Kevin I'm home!"

"Hey mom.." he said awkwardly. "I'm s-sorry. I'm sorry for what happened la-"

"No it's okay honey. I understand." She smiled. She felt relieved that she reconciled with her son again.

"How was your date with Allie last Friday night by the way?"

"It was amazing. I learned a lot of things from her actually."

"Oh that's great"

Kevin's expression changed. Like he remembered something negative. Like a storm coming on a sunny day.

"I also met Miss Lansing and she gave me a ride."

"Really?" She asked. "Didn't she ask you about me?"

Kevin remembered something. "She said something to me about you."

Tug-dug Tug-dug.

"A-and..w-what did she s-say?" She swallowed hard. "About me?"

Kevin got furious. "She confessed something so unreal and unbelievable." He looked somewhere else.

"Kevin what did she tell you??" Claire got so nervous.

Oh no I'm doomed.

"He's here."



That couldn't be Noah..


When she turned around it was her ex-husband Garret.

"What the heck??!"

"Surprise mom!" Kevin sarcastically said.

"You scared the hell out of me."

"Why?" Garret asked with a devilish smile.

"I was nervous" Claire rolled her eyes.

"You should be."


"Come to the family room we need to settle something." Garret walked to the family room.

Claire got nervous again. The three of them went to the family room and Vicky was there, sitting on a couch.. and someone else.


Omygod what's the meaning of this? Is this going to be the end of me? Of us Noah? Will my son forgive me?

Garret sat next to Vicky and Kevin sat near Noah who was at the opposite side. Claire didn't look at any of them. She knew that those people will kill her now. For all the crimes she committed.

Silence aired the room and awkwardness started to build up.

"Ehem.." Garret clears his throat.

Claire sat on the remaining space, beside Noah. She was just staring down her hands on her lap.

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