WHAT IF 😍 (Special Request)

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So someone asked me to make a special part (an extra cheesy shit😂) when Noah takes Claire to a date for the very first time where it's just the TWO of them. So yeah, what if??


"Hey.." Noah said as he tried to get Claire's attention who was just staring blankly at the dinner table, bowing her head down like she's afraid to be seen by people.

Noah took Claire out to a fancy date, in a fancy restaurant, for a fancy dinner where there's fancy food and fancy wine and there are fancy lights and music. Everything was elegant and romantic.

She was actually thinking that this date thing was never a good idea. But she can't refuse Noah because she loves him and this is what he really wanted, to make their relationship public, to make it seem more realistic and official. But still she hates to be seen in public with a much younger guy. I mean duhh, the judgmental eyes out there are rolling in 360 degrees.

"Baby are you okay?" Noah asked.

"I'm not comfortable with this. Let's just go home." Claire replied with a low voice, avoiding eye contact with him.

"It's not our first time going out together."

"But we were with Vicky, Garett, Kevin and Allie the last time. It wasn't that obvious." She avoided eye contact with Noah again.

Noah reached for her hand and held it. "There." He said as he intertwined their fingers. "Just feel comfortable, okay?"

Claire smiled at their hands being locked up together. But not for long, she got her hand away from his. "And we can't get too touchy on public."

Noah smirked at her. "Why can't we?" He caressed her left cheek.

"Ugh Noah.." She moved her seat backwards, "I'm going home," and attempted to get up.

But Noah stopped her, of course. "Claire."

She sat back and sighed.

"Are you not proud of us? About you and I?"

"It's not about you Noah. I'm ashamed of me."

"Why?" he got worried. "You ARE perfect, Claire."

"When we're together I feel so ol-"

"And don't even start with that age shit ever again."

She felt satisfied with that because she knows he's very sincere. But still, she has a problem. A problem with herself. Noah might be crazy about her for now but later on he'll get bored and sick and she fears that so much. He might not even be able to handle her as time goes by. His love will soon fade as she ages more and more.

"Claire?" Noah cut her in the middle of her thoughts.

"I don't know why I'm like this, like I hate it about myself, but I feel so vulnerable and I'm sooo needy and I just need so much affection cause you know how broken my life was. So I'm sorry if I get moody or sometimes when I'm just hungry for attention."

Noah chuckled like she was crazy. He reached for both of her hands and squeezed them. "Claire, don't EVER apologize to me again. Especially for wanting affection. That's my job. You are my girl. My woman. My job is to make sure you know you're wanted and you're valued. And to let you know I'm crazy about you. Any chance and every chance I get, I'm going to give you attention and show you affection. I know Garret was an asshole but you deserve to feel wanted 24/7."

Claire laughed.

"And that's why I'm here for you, Claire." he said sincerely with so much passion in his eyes.

She smiled and held tight on his hands. "Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop being so nice and charming." she giggled.

"I'm just here to make you happy."

Oh god. Noah seemed like a lovesick bastard.

Claire felt the legendary feeling of having butterflies in her stomach like a teenage girl who's inlove for the first time. The last time she felt it was when Garret made a move on her. She shook the thought of it out of her head cause the memory was almost making her throw up now.

"And I'm going to please you in any way possible." he smirked.

She let go of his hands and frowned playfully at him. That dirty side of him again. Noah laughed at her reaction.

"You always seem so happy when I'm around, huh." Claire smirked back.

"You are the exclamation mark in the happiest sentence that I could possibly write."

"Stop being a poet!" she laughed again.

"I just love your Literature subject too much." he chuckled.

Claire cupped Noah's left cheek with her right hand. "You know what?"

Noah was just looking in her eyes with a smile.

"Thank you so much for always making me smile." She said.

He was happy that she was happy. Her happiness meant the world to him.

"Don't worry baby.." she continued. "I'll pay you back when we get home tonight.." she smirked.

"That smirk.." he smirked back. "Is not helping. And you know I'm getting hungry." he tried to conceal and ignore the growing pain on his crotch beneath his pants.

"I'll serve you another dinner later." She whispered, "I'm on the menu."

"BON APPÉTIT!" said the waiter as he served their orders. Food and wine.

The dinner went smoothly and steamy.

They enjoyed their date and after two hours when they came home, Noah was already on top of Claire.

Making the night more intense as they did something hot. And something private.

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