Rising Action

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Monday. Always a bad day for students and for the lazy teachers. But for Noah, it's a very exciting day. He's so inspired to go to school that day. Or should we say, he's excited to see Claire. In a tight pencil skirt with her sexy ass. He can't wait to take AP Classics, his first subject, later. Though they're neighbors and technically they can see from each other's windows, he's still so thrilled to see her infront of him.

Claire started to discuss, sitting on the table. As usual.

"Everybody knows J.K. Rowling right?", she said, but typically looking at Noah. And he was staring back.

The class hollered.

"Billionaire, and classics major.." another glance at Noah. "Of course no one among you here lives in a cave and haven't heard of Harry Potter, have you?"

The class laughed in sarcasm.

"Flip to page 56 and we'll start the report about Rowling's background and works next meeting." She glanced at Noah again.

Noah was just quiet. Playfully biting his pen. And was constantly observing Claire with a charming smile. This guy gets cuter and hotter everyday. Claire noticed that she was staring at him for too long. She felt like she was melting at his gaze.

She looked away and tugged a strand of hair behind her ears. Then continued the lesson, trying not to be distructed by this one naughty student.


"Class dismissed. Don't forget your reports!" Claire announced as students stood up to go to their next schedules.

When everyone got out, one student remained.

It was Noah. He went near her.

"Hey" he greeted with a sweet smile. He could see Claire's face lighten up. So he moved closer and went in for a kiss. Which she forgot to resist.

It was quick then he stared at her eyes after the kiss. "I miss you."

"You act like we're not neighbors. We see each other everyday." Claire said with a smirk. Copying Noah's signature smirk.

"You obviously learned that smirk from me." he said as he wrap his arms around her waist.

"Stop flirting with me Noah. I'm your teacher." She said. But not getting away from his embrace.

He pressed his soft lips on hers again, making squeaky sounds.

"I miss this."

"Haven't i told you not to just randomly kiss me when you want to?" she reminded.

"But you are mine."

"But I don't like kissing."

"No, you like it." he smirked. "I can tell it's true." he teased her.

"Whatever." Claire rolled her eyes and can't hide her smile. "Go to your next subject Noah." she sighed as she let go of him.

Noah got his stuffs. Stared at her face for few seconds. Then went to his next subject before the next class will enter the room and catch them.

Claire stared down, smiling to herself like an idiot. Then bit her own lip.


Claire drove to her house early at 3pm. When she got home, she was alone since her son Kevin still had classes til 4 and Garrett wasn't around, as always.

Claire got out of her car after parking it. She got her keys and entered her house. She went straight to her mini office/library, put down her bag and the school documents which the principal tasked her to finish.

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