2. Thievery

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"Dawn!" I shouted so the blunette could hear me while she was driving her Subaru XV. She stopped her magnificent blue car and opened the window. "Sere-Berry!" She waved. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Alright, break of dawn. We have to go to school and I don't think my legs can carry me any further." I told her. "If so than the train station is over there. We'll see you at school then." She teased. "Dawn!" I yelled. "Fine. Get into the back seat." She said while pointing her thumb to the back of the car. "Thank You." I said while making my way to the back.

" I said while making my way to the back

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"Well, here we are. I have to meet up with Ms. Paris so I'll be heading off now. Bye Sere!" Dawn said. "Bye Dawn!" I waved as she walked towards Ms. Paris's office. I sighed and walked towards the school building. Everyone was in a group of friends. They were either talking, texting or walking while doing both of the other things. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Ash. "Hey Serena!" He said with a toothy grin.

'There was nothing between us. The future that I couldn't hold. For two powerful people shared a story to be told.

I could see it in everyone else. The candles that lit up their lives. But why was it you? The person who was hidden by a disguise.

The hypnotic sound of your voice. The clairvoyant gaze of my eyes. A power we both hold. A power that takes us beyond the skies.'

I pushed hand off of my shoulder. "I thought slapping you would give you the message to stay away from me!" I told him emphasising on the stay-away-from-me part. Ash plastered a serious look onto his face. "Look, it's not like I want to hang around the girl who slapped me but listen to me. I need an answer to why I can convince someone easily. Yesterday I went to this lady called Delphinium and she told me that I could use hypnosis but who'll believe that? She's probably one of those cheep fortune tellers that want to raise money." Ash said. "Well to be honest, Delphinium helped me realise that I was a psychic so I recommend you take a test." I suggested. Ash snorted. "As if I'd believe her trick." He said. "Shouldn't you go to your locker? Class is about to begin in three... two.... one." I said as the bell rang. "Shoot! Got to go! See you around, psychic!" He said running away. "I hope you die in a hole, hypnotic." I grunted.

I walked to first period. Opt maths. It was a pretty boring subject but I aced it so I didn't really mind it. I walked through the door and as always, I was the first student to arrive. "Good morning Serena." Prof. Burch greeted. "Good morning professor." I greeted with a smile. He nodded and went back to writing formulas on the board. "And.... que Korrina's entrance." I muttered. "Hi Serena!" Korrina said. I smiled and waved. Korrina came to sit down next to me. "How've you-" "I've been fine." I answered Korrina's question without having to hear it. Korrina smiled. "Alright then! Let's start class!"

 "Alright then! Let's start class!"

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