Chapter 14: It Worked

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"How are you feeling?" Peeta asks while I lay hopelessly in bed, I've been feeling sick all day for the past six weeks but of course we both have a feeling what's happened... we both know that I could be pregnant...

"I could stay here, the bakery can do one day without me" Peeta worridly asks but I shake my head

"No... you need to go to work" I sigh

"But I don't want you to be home alone and sick..." he sighs but I give him a small smile

"I'll be okay. I'll call you if I need you" I tell him which he sighs at

"Fine. If your okay then I will but... call me if you need me okay?" He replies and I nod, he kisses my forehead before leaving the room, after a while my hand finds its way to my mouth as I try not to vomit, luckily there's a bucket right by my bed that I let my vomit go in

"How did I get so sick. I can't be pregnant could I?" I say to myself, groaning I get up and clean out the bucket

"Feeling a little under the weather are we sweetheart" I hear the snarky voice of my old mentor, I look and see Haymich resting his arms on the small fence that separates our houses

"Maybe... anyway it's none of your business" I grumble

"It's Summer... no one should be this sick in Spring" Haymich smirks as I rinse the bucket but I just glare at him

"I notice that you get annoyed easily" he adds

"Shut up Haymich. Just go feed your geese" I snap but he just chuckles and so I just go back inside, instead of going upstairs I lay on the couch, watching Ceaser Flickerman's new show which is him just interviewing famous people in the Capitol

"Still as annoying as when I was a teenager" I grumble to myself, turning it off. Even though I agreed that I'd have a child with Peeta... now that the reality is hitting me, the more scared I get, I don't know the first thing about looking after a child and that's what terrifies me more about the whole baby thing.


"Hello?" I hear Dellys voice ring through out the hallway, she walks into the kitchen where I am snaking on cheese buns covered in peanut butter, it's really nice...

"I'm guessing Peeta got you to come to check up on me?" I ask and she smiles with Ellie on her hip and a plastic bag in her hand

"Yes but I wanted to because I needed to give you something" she replies giving me the bag, I look inside and pick up the box that was inside

"Pregnancy tests?" I say looking up at her

"Oh come on Katniss... it's June... you shouldn't be this sick in 50 degree weather" Delly points out

"Plus, no one eats cheesebuns smothered in peanut butter" she adds and I sigh

"Go on. Take one, then if it's positive, we're walking down to that bakery and telling that husband of yours" Delly instructs

"Can I at least go to the toilet?" I ask and she smirks

"That's how it's taken, you pee on the stick, put the cap on and wait five minutes then check" she replies

"Fine..." I sigh taking the box and going upstairs, after taking the test I sit on the toilet seat with my leg bopping up and down nervously... if I am pregnant then I don't even know how I'm going to react...

"Okay Katniss... just breathe, it's only a test" I try to calm myself, after waiting five minutes like Delly said I look at it and it shows two lines, quickly I look at the back of the box and read to find out what two lines mean, when I read that one word, I drop the box... it's positive... two lines mean that I'm pregnant. I slowly walk down the stairs where Delly is playing with Ellie on the floor, Delly looks up and she must see how pale I am because she rushes over

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