Chapter 16: Willow Primrose Mellark

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I groan while waking up in the middle of the night, slight pain down in the lower region of my body, this has been happening for a few days now but my mom reassured me it was all just false contractions but I have a weird feeling about this one... I do as my mom told me and count how long my rest is... twenty minutes apart... it's starting again... it's happenening, I guess we'll be seeing our baby soon

"Peeta" I whisper shaking him awake

"What is it?" He asks tiredly

"It's time. I've counted and it isn't false, I think it's happening" I tell him and within seconds he's putting on his prosthetic and running out the door in just his boxers, not long after he leaves he comes back with my mom and a whole lot of white towels

"Can you stand?" Mom asks and I nod, mom takes off all of the blankets and covers the sheets with the white towels and with some extra

"Peeta, go get some water and a few snacks for her, she needs her fluids and food to help her" mom instructs and he nods running out of the room, my mom comes to my side and she sighs

"How are you feeling?" She asks just as another contraction comes making me wince

"Terrified. I... I think I might be sick..." I gag and my mom grabs the pre-prepared bucket that I vomit in

"Here lay down and rest" mom tells me softly, I do as I'm told and Peeta comes back with a cheesebun and water

"So due to how far your contractions are it means you're in the first stage of labor and this can go from 8 to 12 hours so you've got quite a while, in that time try sleeping and if you can't then try doing small activities. I'm just going to get things ready" she orders and so she leaves the room, Peeta gets changed and lays next to me with his head against the headboard

"We're going to see our baby soon... I never thought it'd be this soon" Peeta admits and I smile

"I'm completely terrified, I don't know how to feel really... not at all" I tell him and he just puts an arm around me and rubs my arm as I lay my head on his chest

"It's okay... try and get some sleep while you still can" he tells me softly

"I can't..." I whisper, he then does something that he's never done before... he starts humming The Hanging Tree song tune, the vibration of his humming starts to slowly pull me into sleep.


"Is it suppose to hurt this much at this point?" I ask my mom as she checks how far I am from pushing

"Your far but not far enough to push" she sighs and I groan while Peeta stands with a worried expression on his face

"Peeta. I need your help, I need you to go through the breathing exercises with Katniss, it'll help her get through it more easily" mom orders and in an instant he's by my side helping me breathe calmly

"How long has it been?" I ask, knowing it must've been hours cause the sun is rising

"It's coming up to about six hours" mom replies making me groan, it feels like it's been forever...

"Why is it that this is bothering more than being cut open to get a tracker out from my wrist or being shot at or being near a bomb explosion?" I sigh looking at Peeta as he dabs my warm forehead with a cloth

"You'll be okay. I'll be right her beside you okay?" He coos and I nod

"You know... I wish we had fallen in love before the Games... I would've been more determined to keep you alive. I'm sorry on how bitter I was to you" I apologise

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