Chapter 5

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Gerard's P.O.V

I open my eyes.I see Frank,curled up to me.We are both naked and covered in hickeys and bruises.I grin,remembering last night.I close my eyes,trying to get more sleep.I am just about to fall asleep when I hear a shout.'SHIT MY EYES!'Frank jumps and wakes up.I laugh as I see Andy (Biersack) standing in the door frame,with is hands over his eyes.Frank chuckles.'Well,looks like we've got some explaining to do.'I say to Frank.He laughs.

After we had got some clothes on,we sat down with Andy and the rest of Black Veil Brides, who turned out to be waiting in the car.Andy,Ashley,CC,Jake and Jinxx look at us expectantly.'So,I hear that you both had last night.'Jinxx says laughing a bit.'Well I guess you could say that.'Frank says,giving me a smirk.The boys laugh.'So,you guys are an item then?'asks CC.'No shit Sherlock!'I say to him.They all chuckle at this.'How long?' asks Andy.'A day or two..'Frank says sheepishly.They gasp.'YOU HAVE HAD SEX ALREADY?!'Yells Jake.'Well,it's not like we just met is it,we have known each other for years!'I say.'Well,that's true..'says Jinxx.'Fair enough.'Says Ashley,then he starts laughing. He is in absolute hysterics!We all exchange looks.Once he has stopped laughing,Andy slings an arm around him and says 'You alright there mate?'Andy smiles and nods.'Why were you laughing like a fucking hyena?'Asks Frank.'It's because I always thought that Frank would end up with Mikey.'He says giggling a bit.Me and Frank give him a look as if to say 'THE FUCK?!' 'Yeah,well that's not gonna happen Ash.'says Frank.'Yeah,well I know that now.'He says,and then rests his head on Andy's shoulder.Andy doesn't look at all phased.

The guys stay for a little while.We all have a good laugh,but Ashley's closeness with Andy confuses me a bit.Are they a thing?I don't really know,and it's not really my business.Frank is also confused by it,but it's not really that serious,so we don't really discuss it much.

At the moment,we are sat on the sofa,alone cuddling.Frank shudders violently.I look at him and realise that he is asleep.He shudders again and then he shouts 'NO!NOT GERARD,KILL ME INSTEAD!!'I gasp.Did he really just say that?I shake him to try and wake him up.He won't wake,not for anything.I keep shaking,but it just isn't working.As a last resort,I kiss him and his eyes flutter open.'You okay babe?'I ask him.'Y..Yeah,I'm fine,just a bad dream,that's all.'He says.'Wanna talk about it?'I ask him.'I dreamed that my dad came back.I dreamed that came and started attacking you.Then,he held a gun up to your head..and he was about to kill you.'He says,sobbing.'Then,I told him that he could kill me instead,so he did.'he says.I sob into his shoulder.'Why the hell are you crying Gee?'Asks Frankie.'Because I love you and I don't want you having such awful dreams.'Frank smiles at me.'I love you too Gee!'He says.I smile.It is so nice having somebody who loves you just as much as you love them.

We spend the rest of the day talking about random bullshit,making out and watching dvds whilst cuddling.This is my idea of the perfect day.The last thing that I remember before falling asleep is Frank telling me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him and that I was his fallen angel.I remember telling him that I loved him too,and he was the reason that I smiled.Then I fell into a deep sleep.

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