Chapter 5

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This could be triggering,just to warn you guys xx

Frank's P.O.V

I am in Starbucks with Gerard.I laugh as he just called the guy sat in a booth near us a stupid monkey blowjob.'I'll be right back,I'm just going to the bathroom.'I say to him.He nods.I do my business and then go to wash my hands.I look in the mirror.The sadness is beginning to fade from my eyes.Only Gerard could do that to me.I smile.I wash my hands and leave the bathroom.I go back in to see Gerard,kissing another girl in the middle of Starbucks.

My whole world collides in that second.Everything just falls apart.With tears threatening to fall,I sprint out of Starbucks.I run all the way home,tears freely falling down my face.I fumble around,trying to get my key into the door.

Once it is unlocked,I go in,slam it behind me and run into my room.I lock my door behind me,collapse on the floor and sob.I just lay there, crying my heart out.I sit up.A glint of silver catches my eye from my desk.

I get up and go over to it.I pick it up and look at it.I need to use it now,I can't think of any other way to get all of this pain out.I sit down,and then run the razor over my wrists a couple of times.I smile. The pain feels amazing.I look down,at the blood pouring out of my wounds.I smile,it's like some of the pain oozing out of me.But not enough.I do it some more,until there is no more space in my wrists.I take off my pants so that I am only in my boxers.

I cut at my thighs. Each sting feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders.I just keep doing it.'NO!' somebody shouts from my window.I jump and cut my leg in the process.I look at the window and see Gerard.I try to cover up my legs and my wrists but there is really no point.He has seen it.All of it.

I sigh. I'm in deep shit now.He climbs in and approaches me slowly.'Why?'He asks me shakily.'You were all that I had left.Then you were gone too.'I say to him slowly.He sits down on my floor and crosses his legs.He looks adorable...NO FRANK!

You can't be thinking things like this,he fucking cheated on you!!'I didn't want to kiss her at all Frank,she literally threw herself at me.In case you didn't notice,I was squirming and trying to get away!'He says.To be fair,I didn't really look at him that much,I was kinda focusing on the both of them.

'Who was she?'I ask him.'The girl that I went out with before Lindsay.'he says to me.'Well,I didn't really go out with her, we were just really close I guess.I don't know why the fuck she kissed me though.'He says to me.

I nod.'Please Frankie,I'm so sorry.'He says to me.I think about it.He didn't want the kiss did he?But what if he did?I think about this point.I look at the floor and let a tear fall down my face.It drips onto one of the new cuts on my thigh,and I hiss in pain.

I look up at Gerard.'Okay,Gerard,I forgive you.'I say.He is about to give me a hug,but then he looks down at my cuts.'Let's clean you up.'he says to me.I nod hesitantly.He gets some water and some paper towels and presses it onto my cuts.I hiss in pain and then chuckle to myself.

This is not how you clean a cut,but I don't really give a shit.'Look,I'm not a fucking nurse!'Gerard laughs.'Some of these are pretty deep babe.'he says to me.I blush at the word 'babe'.

He cleans them all up and then bandages them.'Thanks.'I say to him giving him a hug.He leans towards me and kisses me.It still feels just as magic as the first time that it ever happened on stage.

He bites my lip which causes me to moan. God dammit,that turns me on.He chuckles a bit and then carries on biting my lips and tugging my lip ring with his teeth.This makes me moan a lot.

I decide to get my revenge.I lean down and gently brush my fingers against his crotch,causing him to moan.I smile and then start tugging on his hair.He moans again.I then stroke his crotch and tug his hair at the same time and he almost moans the house down.This is very entertaining.

I hear the doorbell go.I pull away from Gerard and sigh.Why do we always get interrupted when things are getting interesting?I make a note to myself to stab the person at the door.I walk to the door and open it to reveal my bitchy neighbour Jeanette.I sigh.Why her?She looks at me with a look of disgust.'Could you and you little boyfriend try to keep your sex noises at mute,or even better,move someplace else?'she spits at me,sneering. I give her a pure look of hatred.She looks a bit scared,and then she scuttles away,tutting about how I'm a 'little faggot'I slam the door with as much force as I can.I laugh as I see her jump through the glass thing on my window.

I walk back to the living room,where Gerard is waiting.'Who was it?'He asks me.'Some bitch saying that we were being too loud.'I say laughing.This makes him chuckle.

Before I know it,he is straddling me on the the sofa.'Then let's be even louder.'He growls seductively.He looks so fucking sexy right now.He slams his lips to mine.I moan a bit at this,I love it when he is forceful.He suddenly starts stroking my waistband.This turns me on a lot,He grins at the effect that he is having on me.His hand is suddenly in my boxers,stroking me.There isn't a moment when I am not moaning.I break away from his kiss and trail kisses down his jaw and find the sweet spot on his neck,earning me a lot of moans.I slowly take his shirt off.He moans again.I trace kisses down his chest and then reach the waistband of his jeans.I look to him for permission.He nods slightly.I slowly peel them off.I go back up to his face and look him in the eye.I smirk at him before kissing him again.He pulls away promptly.'Frankie,this isn't right.'He says slowly.My heart breaks.'W..What?'I say to him.

'I'm practically naked,and you are fully clothed.'he says smirking.I sigh with relief.He kisses me again whilst undressing me.It makes me want more.I start imagining it,which makes me moan a lot.We are both now in our boxers.I don't know if I want to go all the way tonight,but he might change my mind.He lowers himself so that he is at level with my crotch,never once breaking eye contact.He suddenly rips off my boxers,making me shiver at the sudden rush of cold air.He notices this.'Aww you poor baby,are you cold?' he says.I nod,pouting.'I can warm you up.'He purrs seductively.I grin at this.He suddenly takes my erection into his hands,still gazing adoringly into my eyes.He gets the tip and swirls his tongue around it.This causes me to throw my head back and bite my tongue.Then he takes all of me into his mouth and sucks,in and out.I moan a lot,probably pissing that bitch right off.'Gee,I'm gonna...'I say before ejaculating into his mouth.He swallows it all,still looking deep into my eyes.He then comes back up to eye level.He leans into kiss me.I lean away.'No way Gerard!You can't give me an amazing blowjob and not expect one in return!What kind of boyfriend would I be?'I say to him jokingly.He laughs.I then lower myself to his crotch area and then slowly pulling off his boxers.I stay looking into his eyes,as it turned me on,so hopefully,it will do the same for him.He moans a bit.I can tell that he wants me to go faster.This only causes me to go slower.'Hurry up Frankie!'He moans.Once they are finally off,I scrape my fingernail down his erection.This earns me a very load,throaty moan.I then take him,full on,into my mouth.Jeez,he's huge! I have seen him naked before,and I have always noticed that it has been pretty big,but I have never had it in my mouth before!I am careful to graze him with my teeth ever now and then,as it makes him throw his head back and buck his hips every time.'Frankie...I'm close..'He moans,and then he ejaculates into my mouth.I swallow it all,grinning at Gerard.We stay like that,naked and entwined,and fall asleep,grinning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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