Don't Scream Love

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Once Upon A Dream - Lana Del Rey
"I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam."  

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When I started to turn around every nerve in my body protested, but I had to see him. The stranger I had been seeing in my dreams for so long came to life before my eyes and it felt like all of the air was knocked out of my lungs at once. This couldn't be real, he couldn't be real. I had to be imagining him, I had to be dreaming, I had to be anything that could explain this.

But I knew I was wide awake.

I shut my eyes tightly and when I opened them again he was standing even closer to me, causing me to jump back in fear. It was absolutely impossible for him to have gotten this much closer in barely two seconds.

"What's the matter, love?" he smirked, letting me know that he was enjoying this.

My eyes went from his dark blonde hair, to his blue eyes, to his mouth, to the stubble on his face, to his ears and then they made the same circle again.

"You-you're not real," I stammered as I kept walking backwards without having a single clue what was behind me.

He laughed, "Now that I don't think I have ever heard before."

Nerves ran through my body like tiny ants and I shook my head nervously. Without even thinking it over my feet started to move and before I knew it I was running. Running faster than I ever had before. When I didn't hear him coming after me I looked back carefully, but there was no one there and I felt the tiniest bit of relief. Maybe I was imagining him after all.

Yet I didn't stop running. Not until I bumped into something and almost fell. When I looked up my eyes met his and all I could think was that I had touched him. That it had been like running into just about anyone else, and I knew then that he was real.

"Running really is no use, sweetheart. Although I have to admit, it does make it a bit more fun for me," he grinned.

"I know what you are," I said spitefully as I looked at him. "You're a vampire." 

I found myself hoping to be laughed at, to be told that that was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard and that I was completely delusional.

He tilted his head slightly to the left and squinted his eyes. "How do you know that?"

It wasn't at all the answer I had hoped for. It felt like my heart stopped beating and I swallowed loudly as I tried to think of ways to get out of here. Thinking clearly in stressful situations had never been something I had been good at. If I was my father would probably still be alive. 

My thoughts drifted off to that night briefly but I forced myself back to the present. It was now more necessary than even then to think clearly.

There was no one around, no houses either, and I had backed myself stupidly into an alleyway. There was no way I could run or escape. Screaming was no use either, I was too far away and with the speed I had seen him move at he would have his hand on my mouth before I could even open it wide enough to scream. I had to try something else, I had to try to get the upperhand.

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