Blood Stains & White Dresses

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Make You Feel - Alina Baraz
"Breathe me in. Taste my words. Let me blow your mind."

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The glory I felt upon entering the school with Stefan on my arm was reflective of the reason popularity was so stupidly important to people. It was addicting to make heads turn, to know you were on the minds of people you had never even thought of. The truth is, Stefan had already been crowned the hottest guy in school and if all of this had never happened I would probably have been with whoever would then be the hottest guy in school as well, which is exactly why this felt so good. It felt good because it felt normal, it was what would have been important if all this had never happened. School dances, boys, and the jealousy I spotted in Caroline's eyes from afar. When I saw her and Bonnie near the punch table I walked over to them, leaving Stefan behind. I could hear them whispering to each other but their voices slowly started dying down the closer I got.

"He told me he wasn't going to the dance," Caroline said as she nodded towards Stefan, her voice revealing the strong hint of jealousy her eyes had already revealed long before.

"Oh, really?" was all I managed to say.

Silence hung between us for a few dragging seconds, but Bonnie rescued the conversation before it got too bad.

"Well, good for you girl," she said excitedly as she softly bumped her shoulder into mine.

I laughed, she did too, and eventually Caroline joined in as well. Relief washed over me and I gratefully took the punch Bonnie handed me. My hands searched for the flask of vodka in my bag and I pulled it out without even scanning my surroundings for any chaperones. Being caught with alcohol didn't even come close to the real danger in my life. I poured some of the vodka into all of our cups and took a big gulp of mine before putting the flask back into my bag.

As I felt myself relaxing a little I looked around the gym and saw how beautifully it was decorated. The colors were mostly red and white, which were found in the balloons and the sparkling beaded curtains and drapes hanging from the ceiling. Everyone was dressed so nicely and accordingly, I really felt like I was transported back in time. Except for the top 40 music blaring through the speakers. I didn't like top 40 music but I figured music from the 20s must be even worse.

"You did a great job, Care," I said.

The widest of smiles appeared on her face. "I worked really hard on it, I really wanted it to be perfect."

"And it is now that we're all together again," Bonnie added.

We all smiled at each other and I even felt my eyes get a little watery, but Caroline kept distractedly looking over my shoulder. When I looked around what I already feared was confirmed, she had been looking at Stefan.

"Are you really gonna leave him alone over there?" she asked.

Normally I would have encouraged her to go for it without even thinking about it but now I was truly concerned for her safety. I didn't want her hanging around vampires as well. But before I could even open my mouth it became clear that she had already had her mind set on it, and when Caroline set her mind to something there was no talking her out of it.

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