Your Humanity Is Showing

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Bordersz - Zayn
"Let's break down all of our walls."

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The day went by agonizingly slow. It was hard sitting at desks all day when adrenaline was pumping through your body, wanting you to move, to do something.

Stefan had followed me everywhere, he was in every one of my classes, and every time I turned around he was already looking at me. I hadn't seen Klaus on the other hand, and every passing second he didn't show up I felt relieved. I had figured out quickly who I really had to fear, and it wasn't Stefan. I knew this because he himself was afraid of Klaus.

In between this madness that was now my life, I had to explain to Bonnie and Caroline why I was so on edge. Why I jumped every time someone touched me, even when a shoulder brushed against mine, why I ran away this morning, where I was first period and why I had slept at Tyler's. But what they cared most about was who the hot new guy was and why he was constantly looking at me. They were all questions I couldn't answer so trying to was like walking through a room filled with shards of glass.

The school was starting to feel like a prison and the walls were closing in on me, so when the last bell finally released me I almost ran out of the classroom. But once I made it outside I didn't even know where to go. It didn't feel safe to go home, where I would be alone, and I didn't want to be around Caroline or Bonnie either. It was too hard with everything going on. So I decided to sit at one of the red picnic tables outside the school and do some homework. I barely had any assignments but at least this way I was alone while still being surrounded by people.

I opened my books and soon the voices and sounds became nothing more than background noise. It was easier than usual to concentrate, my mind was probably just eager to focus on just about anything else. But an all too familiar voice, both drenched in warming charm and chilling cold at the same time, pinched right through my bubble.

"It is a beautiful day, isn't it?"

I looked up slowly and when my eyes met his I noticed I didn't even afraid, his eyes were softer than I had seen them before.

"Yes, but I don't think that gives you a free pass for bothering me," I said boldly, the confidence leaving me and self-doubt arising as soon as the words left my lips.

He chuckled, which reassured me and brought back my boldness, so I focused my eyes on the book before me again and pretended I wasn't bothered nor afraid of him.

"Let's go for a walk, shall we?" he continued, clearly ignoring the fact that I was ignoring him.

I looked up at him again, frowning. "I don't think so."

"It wasn't a request," he said as he tilted his head up. He stretched his hand out for me to take, his eyes staring at me intensely.

I grabbed my stuff and walked past him, deliberately not taking his hand.

Ethereal • Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now