Chapter 3

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It had been a bit since Delirious had left me in my new room. And now, I was sitting on my bed, really fucking confused. They said they needed just a blood test. Now? Sit in our rooms and wait for the effects? I just wanted a million dollars!

Across from me laid [REMOVED], currently taking a nap. I needed to speak.

Picking up a pillow, I lobbed it at his head. He jerked up, alarmed. He spotted me staring at him, and the pillow on the floor. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"What is it?" he asked sluggishly. I rolled my eyes, exasperated.

"Have you not noticed?" I said quizzically. He shook his head.

"Noticed what?"

"They said they just needed the blood tests. Then we would get the mil." I began. [REMOVED]'s eyes went huge.

"Then they said to go to our rooms and wait for the effects to appear!" he finished, looking terrified.


"Something isn't right here..." he muttered mutually. I nodded in agreement. I would've said more, if the door hadn't slammed open and scared the wit out of me. The man who had walked us in was currently standing in the doorway.

"Alright sunshines. Come on, we need to go somewhere to get the million." he said softly. I stared. [REMOVED] carefully stood up, his cautiousness understandable. I followed his lead, and out the door.

"So you saw it too? His eye had turned red?" Tyler and Brian were talking in low voices. I didn't turn to them, but I knew they were looking at me.

Brian nodded, looking a little scared. I smirked, I couldn't help it.

"Come on boys, hurry your mini asses u- Where did [REMOVED] go?!" he cut himself off after looking backwards. I glanced to my left, and felt something lightly hit my shoe. I looked down, and nearly shrieked at the sight of a spider.

Wait a minute. I crouched down, and let the thing scuttle onto my hand. I brought it up to my eye, and nearly flung it. What I was holding was a Mini [REMOVED], who was hyperventilating.

"Umm, sir? I think I found him." I said quietly. He turned around, and his eyes widened as he saw me staring at [REMOVED].

"Fucking help me!" he squeaked, barely audible. The man had a smile grow incredibly large on his face.

"You're so.. mini..." I murmured. His tiny eyes widened. He began to grow a exceptional rate, and in my terror, I dropped him. Before long he was normal sized. He stood up angrily.

"What the fuck did you do to us?!" he screeched. The man's smile never faltered, making [REMOVED]'s sudden courage boost diminish.

"Those injections are something, special. Don't worry. It isn't painful." he said smoothly. I wanted to choke the fuck out of him.

"I nearly stepped on him! I thought he was a fuckin spider!" I snapped. He shrugged and continued walking.

Time skip

We all saw they had gotten our cars to the new place. I put my hands in my pockets, feeling around for my keys. I narrowed my eyes.

"You seriously took my keys, phone, and charger?!" I yelped, continuing to pat myself down. He nodded.

"Your things are on your beds in the dorm room." he replied. I growled, and shook my head slowly, annoyed. We followed the man into the building as he did a tour.

"You can roam, do what you want here, and sometimes go outside. Cool? Cool." he said loudly, his voice matching his goddamn general's outfit, which I really wanted to tear apart in his face.

"Can we know your name?" Chaos asked. He sighed.

"Colton. Call me Colton." he replied quietly. I smiled, the thought of finally whizzing through my mind. He stopped in front of a door. I glanced back to see Jay holding a shaking Smitty, whose eyes were huge. He was murmuring things under his breath, trying to calm the shaking boy.

I sighed and turned back to the now open door.

"This is your room. All of yours. Each bed has your things, designating that bed to be yours." he said slowly, then walked off. My eyes followed him until he vanished from view, and then shot into my room, looking for my hoodie. I spotted it in the far corner, lower bunk.

I rushed over, and immediately put it on. The devil horns laid on my shoulders, and I felt at ease, being back in my hoodie. I spotted what was underneath, and my eyes widened slightly.

A mask with only one eyehole. Where the other eyehole would be was an X. It was red, it's black hair sticking out like horns. A smirk was made on the face. It had a beard slightly shaped like mine, but larger. I picked it up, my chocolate brown eye widening. I looked around.

Catz had gotten a ginger cat mask, Brock had gotten a bald eagle mask, Terroriser had gotten sunglasses to hide the robotic eye, Ohm had gotten nothing, and I assumed it was because he already had a gray bandana over his eyes.

Bryce had gotten a mask similar to Michael Myers, and he stared at it in terror, memories flashing through his eyes. He wouldn't even touch it. Jay held up a black hockey mask, curiosity in his eyes. Nearby, Smitty just sat on his bed, staring at the white, red, blue, and yellow mask next to him.

Max got an orange, white, and green mask, the colors of Mexico. Adam held up a plain yellow mask. Max elbowed him in the ribs.

"Never trust the Bananaman!" he jeered. Adam's cheeks darkened in embarrassment. Clearly they shared an inside joke.

Delirious already had his hockey mask on, and had lied down on his bed. Ze held up a mask, which oddly looked like Bane's mask, except steel. Chaos held up a mask where it was bright red, but looked like it was bleeding from the eyes. [REMOVED] stared at the mask on his bed, which was black and had an orange M over it. Tyler traced his fingers along the ears of his pig mask, which he just put on. It looked, oddly normal on him. Like Jon and his mask.

Lui picked up a monkey mask that was chewing a cigar. David had a brown bull mask, a ring through its nose. Lui put on the mask, and shockingly, it matched his outfit. Only a few had their masks on.

Tyler, Jon, Lui, Ohm, and Catz had them on.

"Alrighty! Time to g- Why in the world do you have your masks on?! Get them off!" Colton hissed angrily. Tyler crossed his arms.

"Come over and make me." he snarled. I smirked.

"Probably wouldn't come off that big assed head of yours." I comment slyly. He spun around angrily.

"Excuse me?!"

Hoo boy you angered the Piggy.

Shut it.


I stepped to the right, neatly dodging a punch from Wildcat, my arms staying in my hoodie pockets.

"Try a little harder. Maybe you'll hit me." I nagged.

Too soon. His fist hit right above my eyebrow. Pain flowed from there. I groaned in pain. I took a small step back as painful memories passed through my mind. I will not let myself get hurt again without doing something.

Looking back at Tyler, I narrowed my eye angrily. I launched forward, and caught him by the throat, and pushing him against the wall. He ripped at my hands.

"Hit me fucking again! I fucking dare you!" I yelled angrily. Suddenly, something thudded against my calf, and I shrieked, dropping Tyler. I glanced at my calf to see a dart sticking out of it.

"Fuck aLl of you."


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