Chapter 6

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I raised my hand to knock on the mahogany door, and felt an overwhelming feeling of doubt. What if they reject me?

They won't do that Luke. They're your family.


Gathering up my courage, I rapped my hand against the door. Almost immediately, the door flew open, and my mother stood there, holding her shotgun.

I watched as her eyes widened in shock as she spotted her son standing at the door, about two feet taller than he originally was. She threw the shotgun to the side, which was probably dangerous, and ripped the screen door open.

"Luke!" she cheered, and launched at me, and pulled me into an embrace. I gave a weak smile as I hugged her back, and soon enough, I found myself with tears dripping down from my eye.

"Hey mama.." I murmured, my voice muffled from her shoulder. She let go, and pulled out a handkerchief, and began dabbing her eyes. Then, out of nowhere, I felt the stinging pain on my cheek as she slapped me.

"Where have you been mister!? You missed ThanksGiving dinner, which you never miss, and then you come home out of nowhere, especially after being gone for five weeks!" she yelled angrily. I simply smiled.

"It's good to see you too," I paused, and looked around. "but I'll tell you inside."

I followed her, and into the living room, and surprised my father, who almost immediately broke down into tears, knowing his son was okay.

My brother stared, surprised.

"You look seriously tall." he commented. I smirked.

"Probably 'cause you're getting shorter. Awe, come 'ere knucklehead and give me a hug already." I teased. Shawn laughed, and stood up, and gave me his familiar bearhug.

Minutes later

"So where exactly did you disappear to?" my dad asked. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well, here's the thing. I was channel-surfing, when I heard something. I went back to the channel, and listened. Apparently, the government, or somethin', was giving out one million bucks to the first fifteen people that got there. So, I did so, and was the, eleventh person. As all of us waited for the last two people, I started chatting with a guy, named [REMOVED], got to know each other, etcetera. Then we head in after the last to come in, and we get put in this weird room," I paused.

"Keep going sweetheart." Mom encouraged. I nodded, and began fiddling with my thumbs.

"Each one of us got called down for this, blood test. To test if we had anything. So I was the last guy, but when [REMOVED] came back, he looked, scared. Didn't pass out like the others. Less of a stumble. So when I get called out, I follow this woman named Dr. Asylum, and she tells me to lie down on this table. I do so, and then shit goes down. I get injected with this, immobilizing serum, and then injects me with this, murky, blood-like texture. I literally wanted to throw up my heart. Then, the pain swaps with drowsiness, and she injects a cure to the immobilization, and brings me back to the room. So for, we went from where I lived, down to here. And then there's a new guy that gets put in. I recognize Evan, the bastard that made me half blind, and in rage, I tried to kill him. I'm not going to explain afterwards, but then I return to the room with an issue, which are underneath my hat. Jump another two weeks, they let us walk around and go to malls. I recognized the area, and using my phone, I found out I was here. Doing the first thing that came to mind, and now I'm here." I stopped, and let out a deep breath.

"I.. holy shit." Dad muttered. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"What issue?" Shawn asked quietly. I gave a weak smile, but it didn't last.

"Promise not to freak out. Okay?" I began slowly, eyeing my mother. She nodded hesitantly. I slowly removed the cap to reveal the curved horns atop my head. Mom's jaw dropped, Dad's eyes went huge, and according to Shale, the first thought to cross Shawn's mind was, 'Can I touch them?'. I twitched.

"Sure Shawn, you can touch them.." I commented. He looked alarmed.

"How did you know I was thi-" I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

"I really don't want to explain, but apparently I have a voice in my mind that can read minds, and is a pretty chill guy." I replied casually. At this point I'm pretty sure my mother unhinged her jaw, and my fathers eyes were going to explode.

"Then why do you have the horns? Are you part ibex or something?"

I shook my head sadly.

"Sorry no... they... they made me half demon."

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