Seungwoo "Bro"

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Requested by: GdragonmyBae
~ Thanks mommy for requesting. By the way i love your plot. Its unique and cool. 사랑해요 어마 ♥♥

I have been attending a big and classy university for about 4 years already

No dares to befriend with me because of my different personality, fashion and style to them. Not because im ugly and no im not!. Its just because im not girly.

Im disgusted to pastel colors, sexy or revealing dress and some girly stuffs. Because those are not cool for a girl like me. Black, sneakers, converse and skateboards are my life.

Some asked me if im lesbian. And that's kinda offensive but my answer is no. Because i have been in love to a guy named Ong Seunwoo for almost  3 years already. Yes, it was kinda shocking for some knowing that this boyish girl is also know how to fall in love to a guy. Well, maybe they were expecting me to date a girl. Pfft.  totally not me !!

The class ended early, so i immediately leaved the place. I didnt use my skateboard for now, for some reasons. So i just have my peaceful walked at the sidewalks.

"Zean!" Someone called me. I scanned the place and i saw Seungwoo waving his hands at me.

"Tsk. Are we even close?" I sarcastically asked and continued to walk. "Yah! Why are you so mean?" Seungwoo said and blocked my way.

"Im not!" I answered and pushed him away from the way and ran away from him. When i was surely Seungwoo is nowhere in place. I stopped and cupped my face. My cheeks is red. Good thing this cheeks didnt betray me infront of Seungwoo.

So about Seungwoo, he is a half  Bad Boy and Good boy. He is a skate lover too. But let me shorten it. We have the same taste in stuffs and hobbies. Except that he doesn't love black.

"Yah!" Seungwoo just popped in front of me. "Sht. Are you gay?" i blurted.
Seungwoo's face turned serious.
He pinned me on the walls while his arms are both of the side of my face.

"Why do you think am i ?"

"Because you really are!" As i finished answering. Seungwoo immediately touched his lips on mine. My eyes got widen, i tried to pushed him away because some of my classmates were already judging us.

Seungwoo parted and smirked.
"That's nice, see you tomorrow!" and he left.


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