Chapter 1: Cop Sirens

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   ( Y/N point of view) :
     "Y.N, hurry up into the car. I got a text from dad." My mother said as she rushed the cart towards the check out point, scrolling down her phone.
     "Really?" Dad never would text something that would concern me having to go home. Especially when it came to getting things for my first year of highschool. I glanced at the zombie like employees and smiled,  but my mom gently grabbed the wrist and tugged me back at her pace.
   "I'm sorry, Y.N but school shopping's going to have to wait until next weekend."
   I smirked, "Oh I'm sure we can wait forever. Or maybe... Never come here again? Despite playing with the beach balls I'm afraid this place is just as gray as the rest of this town."
   Mom didn't give the faintest smile, just watched the brain dead cash lady beep every item five times. I stared at her, waiting for her to laugh. Every sound became to fade away though, as my eyes wondered outside across the street. Ambulances sped off towards the apartment as every cold person whispered a few phrases which I in fact did not care about. Then I slowly turned my head to the other cash register.
     A mask was tilted, staring into space out the window as well. The mask was hollow and the brim was coated in blue hair. Each lock poorly hung up in pigtails. I assumed it caught me staring at it, jaw dropped, as it rigidly creaked its neck towards me. We stared at each other from fear to suspicion. Suddenly I was interrupted.
    "Y.N! Are you listening?"
I set my eyes to my mom then jerked my head back to the masked kid like a guard dog. He stared back. I squinted my eyes.
  Mom finally had spotted what I was staring at and plastered a massive, forced smile on her face. "Oh how nice it is to see our new neighbors!" She sung, and dragged the groceries and I towards the blue haired man. They wouldn't shut up.
     "School shopping, huh?"
   "Oh didn't you just LOVE that documentary?"
   "We're here from Jersey."
"My aunt is from Jersey!"
And on.
And On...

"Well Y.N and I must be going back to the apartment. My husband just spotted the police cars."
    The man gave a stern face and nodded. They exchanged numbers. Then they walked out.

    As I climbed into the car, my eyes flew open and I made sure that masked boy could see me staring at him. There was something up with that kid and oh I was going to find out.
   My mom drove to the apartment (which was no joke eight blocks away) and parked near the road. I helped carry the school supplies but sighted cop cars everywhere. They were taking pictures and dipping doughnuts with their handle bar mustaches. The tingling of their uniform chimed and they pulled out a dead body from the door.
"O-Oh my god?" I peeked over and was pale in the face.
  "Oh my god!"
My mom quickly pushed me up the stairs in worry some as I tried to catch the nearest glimpse of that dead woman, her hand brushing up against the pavement.
    "Go on, Y/N. Go on. It's going to be fine, honey."

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