( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Le Lemón ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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          NOTE: I'll let you know when you can skip the lemon once it starts.

Sally blinked around the hall and proceeded to bring me in his apartment. I took off my boots and placed my animal hat on one of the coat hangers, while Sal placed some toaster strudels in the toaster. I noticed how he was making a ruckus.
    "Where's your dad?"
"He had to go somewhere around eleven."
  I strutted my way to his living room so he wouldn't see my obvious finger fumbling. On my way around his couch I eyed tons of framed pictures. All of his family. Unfortunately, if one had him in it he either had his mask, or cut his unmasked face out himself, which only wanted me to see his face more. But that wasn't the only thing I was focusing on. A lot of pictures also had a woman in them. A woman I could only call out to be Sally's mother. But why haven't I seen her yet?

   Suddenly Sally broke the ice. "Its pretty quiet in hear. Why don't we listen to sommmmmmmmeeeeee music!" He stuck out his blue mp3 and waved it around happily.
I grinned.
    "Well what are we going to listen to?" I asked.
    "Rock music. On speaker."
"But it's one in the morning."
   "...So? We've had a stressful day and I'm sure half of the residents are doing stuff anyway."
"Doing what exactly?"
Sal creeped up to my ear and slightly pulled his masked up to where his voice was no longer muffled, his voice clear.

         "Each otherrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

I tensed up then, because his voice was hot. Really really hot, and Im a big perv, if you haven't noticed. It creeped down my spine and filled my chest with butterflies. (that's how  it felt, at least) He clasps his mask back on and tilts his head waiting for a reaction.
Sal cackled and placed the mp3 on the speaker. Without warning a song came on full blast in blaring volume. I screamed and stumbled backwards on to the couch, Sally head banging to the screeching song.
    "What song is this?" I yelled over the music.
        "Chop suey! By System of a Down"
      "Oh." Sal swayed and danced funnily around the living room, moon walking and grinding along. He managed to let me laugh a bit.
    "Dance with me!" He lend out a hand to me and I froze.
"Wait, Sal..."
   "What is it, toots?"
"You said that you'd explain something about-" He looked at me in curiosity and I pointed at the animal hat. His posture lost any fun expression.
   Sal stopped jamming out and turned down the rock song. We could still hear it, but now it was faint. 
      "I don't know if I want to..  it's..."
     "Trust me, razberry."
     "I still see it sometimes.

"Mommy, mommy! I want to pet the doggy!" The field was so pretty. It fit mother's hair perfectly. The wind teaching the grass how to sway, clouds pinkish covered the sky like a blanket. Little me, whom was very perky as a child, had my hair tangled in fluffy blue knots.
"Wait till your father gets back. He should be here any second now."
     "But mommy I want to pet the doggy! Can't you hear them, mom? Please?"
    "Oh alright, let me grab my purse."
    "Okay, I'll be waiting over there by the trees!"
   And just like that, I got what I wanted. I skipped through the vast prarie. I remember the wind being so powerful that I thought I was going to fly away. It was one of the most happiest seconds of my life. But as I was near the trees I stopped, and stared at the one area that was different from the rest. It was quiet. I breathed in fully, the smell of fresh, warm Maple drowning my senses. A leaf scraped around my feet and rushed to the trees. I shrugged off my strange feeling and proceeded to make my way through the trees. Each step grew colder and darker. The trees became more dense. I stopped to smile, and turned towards the bushes.
     "I see you doggy!" The dog gradually stuck it's head out, bearing it's teeth at me. I was mildly concerned. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you...." I stuck my hand out to it, but it's jaws clasped on my palm. I held in my whimpers and carefully slid my hand out of it's teeth. My hand throbbed in pain but  I managed to keep my tears  under control. I peered at it in disgust.

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