Chapter 3

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"That police officer was a bitch."
Sally nodded "Yeah. But hey, he's not the only person we can get info from."
"What do you mean?"
"This place has more than just that dead lady. I've seen more. That's why I'm going to see what's up with it. From what I've heard from Larry, the killer's still roaming around. That's what you need to be careful about, Y.N, not the mafia "
My heart skipped a beat and my pussy attitude kicked in.

"Are you going to do it with me er not?"
I hesitated. Suddenly, a voice called. "Sal! Its time for bed! We have stuff yo do in the morning, buddy!"
Sally flinched and pulled my pigtail towards him.
"Listen. You don't have to help me, but if you're going to consider it, meet me in the torn ladies room at midnight."
He had it all planned out. "Sal! C'mon, Bud!"

"Coming, Pa-" Sal gave me a nod-"I'll be there!"

I tried to watch the clock that night, but my mind was darting all around the room. 11:40. Only twenty minutes left. I hoped Sal would at least walk me down there, because the ladies bathroom-the unused one- wasn't so bright on reputations. Based on everyone else here, there was a little girl who lived in the room on the second floor whom lived with her step dad, mother, and brother. I don't know the details; but the blood father wanted his children so bad he-

     She wouldn't stop squirming, hushed a deep voice from downstairs. I blinked rapidly. Curious me slowly placed my feet on the floor and decided to rest my ear up against the carpet to hear better.  Because of my clock, though, the voices were hard to make out.
  I crawled over to the vent by my TV which was connected to the basement floor. Hopefully I could understand what voices we're chattering, keeping my lungs sore.
I'm so cold...
    I know, I would be cold too.
When is she coming down?
   Any minute now...
I stared blankley. Thoughts popped into my head like a bullet but instead of fear, hunger for facts fueled me. I longed for more words.
    I'll grab (y/n)
I slapped my hand around my mouth and staggered to the closet. Quivering in ignorance wasn't going to keep me from being grabbed. I had to grab him first. So, I slapped on my (favorite/animal) hat, a pair of night goggles I had gotten for my birthday last year (the only thing thoughtful, really) and some graffiti styled rubber boots. Without hesitation I steathily creeped down the hallway in hopes to find Sal.

     The apartment was disgusting and moist. Drops of rainwater leaked through the tiles silently, slapping on my (h/c) hair. The smell of the rainwater was foul and dead, like a fresh pile of bodies realed up from there graves, flies digging in them, like that was the only useful thing they did. I didn't even remember it raining in the first place.

  That's how it was?
Yes, I remember...
     Go on then, no one's stopping you.

As my fingers made their way on the elevator, I decided to slip in and go to where I was told. It was slashed and dirty, but I didn't want to take the stairs for reasons. I pressed the button and waited. The elevator screeched downward to a rough and breathtaking fall. My tounge fell cold but still I went on. I tip toes my way around the area, whispering "Sally? I'm here."
No response.
I slapped my goggles off for they really strained my eyes, and headed towards the lightswitch. But a hand was already there. One I hadn't noticed. It grabbed my arm harshly and tanked me towards it, but I kicked and punched in every place possible. The sound of rustling and my name was the only thing I tried to ignore. The edrenalin flooded my brain so I threw my goggles and desperately threw my fist to  where I thought was the figures  face. It was hard and cold so naturally  my breath vanished and my knuckles became bruised. In returnre I got frustrated and hurt moans so readible I knew who it belonged to. Quickly I flicked on the light and crouched down near Sally, whom was on the floor, holding his broken prosthetic mask.
  "I'm so sorry, I-" My heart sunk in guilt. I tried to calm him down as best I could by petting is untied hair. It seemed to work for the most part. It was so long and messy it flowed around my hands. After what seemed like lying on the floor for hours I asked him if he wanted to stand up. He nodded, still holding his now broken mask, and depended on my body to keep him from falling. "What was it you wanted to show me?"
  "I'll h-hold it off until the morning.. I don't think I can stay awake after getting my ass kicked." He replied, pretty sweetly.
      "Yeah... Sorry about that."
"Don't worry about it. It's just a piece missing, it doesn't reveal my whole face."
As we made ourself upstairs, I kept the conversation going.
  "To bad. I'm curious about what's under this." Sal just shifted his face away and patted my low back. He started to change the subject.
    "Nice hat."
"Thanks. It's my favorite animal. Got it from my mom."
"You're mom. She seems.. busy."
"Yeah she doesn't really let me do anything you know."
   "Sometimes I wished I had a mom like that."
I could tell I was hitting weak ponts. I tried a different approach.

"So uh.  Speaking of my favorite animal, what is yours?"
Sal tensed up even more but still managed to say so.
  "Dogs. I should hate them, I really should but-" we were almost on our floor. "I've come to forgive them, I think."
    "What do you mean?"
"I'll explain.. later."
  I nodded.

   "So, this is your stop. Sorry about punching you, really and try to get some rest, yeah?"
  Sal held my hand, which made my knuckles burn, but I still forced a smile.
"Come inside my r-room?"
I blinked and shrugged, hiding my approval and pervness.
   "Sure I guess." And I patted his blue hair once more.


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