Important Note

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So I was about to start the lemon, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But came to a realization....

Sally is underaged. That doesn't mean I'm not still writing it, but let's just make it clear that they are eighteen? I mean, you can pretend he's his actual age, I just don't want to get reported. And if I'm over thinking this, ignore. I'm just really paranoid about that kind of stuff. (You can stop reading if you want)

Also, I'm following the actual games plot and gameplay pretty loosely. The story is mainly you and Sally. So, most of Larry's actions in the game will be replaced with you! Again, very loosely pulled in but still concerning. I'm starting on the lemon thing now, so don't worry.

Thanks for all of the votes and readings! ( - w - ) And surprisingly, constructive criticism is approved!!! Leave a comment about what you want to see, or just other story suggestions.

Bye my little dat bois ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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