Part 1- The Tickets

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Kaylee's POV-

I giggled as I ran down the stairs, pillows hitting my back as my sister Macey lobbed them at me, "I cannot believe you wrote 'I'm Mrs. Johnson' on my homework!" She yelled at me as I swung around the bannister and ran into the kitchen, Macey running behind me. 

I ducked around my mum, hiding and laughing. Macey narrowed her eyes as she looked at me, she lunged for me but I dodged out of the way, shrieking, we ran around our mum. She raised her eyebrows, "Now girls, is this anyway to be treating each other on your 18th birthdays?"

Me and Macey are twins, not identical though. Macey was the introverted one, smart and shy, she has shoulder length wavy dusty brown hair dyed a dark blonde at the tips and bright blue eyes, she was the best artist I've ever met, colourful art was stung across our room and littering the floors. I was the taller more confident one, with straight ashy blonde hair falling down to my legs and dark brown eyes shaded with black eyelashes. Unlike Macey, I preferred going horse riding to sitting in my room drawing. But we shared one thing, an obsessive like love for the boys of Magcon. We have all the merch, read all the fanfics and had more than our fair share of dissing Madison Beer.

But we've never been to a live show.

Eventually we calmed down, panting we sank into the old white chairs tucked under the dining room table. Mum sat down opposite us folding her hands on the table. "So girls, since it's your 18th birthday, I've decided to get something special for you guys." She slid two passports across the table with two boarding passes, me and Macie grabbed them quickly and flipped them over, my sister looked at me, a wide grin spending across her face, "We're going to Paris!" We squealed together, doing a happy dance. 

Mum waited for us to calm down before taking something out of her back pocket, "And there's this too." She placed two white card in front of us, our mouths fell open in usion as we read the cards, we turned to each other slowly, and started screaming. We jumped out of our chairs and jumped and spun around, "WE'RE GOING TO MAGCOOONNNNN!" 



Kaylee and Macey are based off me and my cousin/best friend in real life.

It will include all the other Magcon boys but mostly focusing on Jack and Jack.

Love you all!

-Blurry Wolf


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