Part 6- Puparazzi

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The title isn't a typo *wink wink*


Kaylee's POV

I lent my cheek against my hand as I sighed, leaning against the bus wall. Macey was listening to music, and Jack and Jack were talking to the driver. I was bored. Suddenly a song started over the bus speakers,

"My first kiss went a little like this..."

I grinned as Gilinsky and Johnson danced into the main area of the bus, singing loudly.

 "I said no more teachers..."

Johnson begin to sing the verse, pulling Macey up and spinning her around him, laughing. Gilinsky held a hand out, but I grinned and shook my head, he stuck his bottom lip out but kept dancing. I folded my arms across my chest, biting my lower lip to stop myself from cracking up.

"And no more books,
I got a kiss under the bleachers,
Hoping that nobody looked.
Lips like licorice,
Tongue like candy..."

In a flash Gilinsky was in front of me hooking his fingers into the belt loops of my black jeans, smirking at me, he sang,

"Excuse me miss, but can I get you out your panties..."

He pulled me towards him by my jeans. I feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins as he winked at me. Two can play at that game, I thought, smirking. I started sing the next verse,

"In the back of the car,

on the way to the bar
I got you on my lips.."

Staring him straight in the eyes, I leant closer,

"At the foot of the stairs,
With my fingers in your hair,"

I slid my hand lower down his chest, smirking at the shocked expression on his face,

"Baby this is it."

As the beat dropped, I pushed off his chest, spinning around, I caught Macey's hands and we danced around the bus, doing random slut drops, imitating Madison Beer and cracking up. But I felt two strong hands grab my waist and turn me around swiftly, where I saw Gilinsky start singing,

"She won't ever get enough

Once she gets a little touch,
If I had it my way
You know that I'd make her say..."

I flipped his hands off their grip on my hips and saw Macey slip out of Johnson's strong hold on her waist and we put our hands in the air and finished the verse,

"OooooOOoooooh, OooooOOoooooh..."

All four of us sang and danced to the rest of the song, Gilinsky's hand never leaving it's hold on my hip. When the last note was sung, Gilinsky collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion, I giggled and looked down at him, he wriggled around a bit and I looked at him in confusion as he grinned wickedly at me. Suddenly I felt a foot sweep my legs from under me, I fell onto G, cracking up, I let my head fall onto his chest.

I looked at Johnson and Macey, who were looking out the window at something. I turned my gaze back to G and looked into his dark brown eyes. I felt his hand intertwine with mine, tangling our fingers together. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, I leant in slowly as G closed his eyes and...


The bus came to a sudden stop, we lifted our heads to see Johnson and Macey leap off the bus. I scrambled off Gilinsky and got up, following Johnson and my twin out to the edge of the freeway.

I jumped off the bus, Gilinsky right behind me. I glanced around, there was a dense forest on the edge of the freeway, everywhere else was just cars, flying down the thin roads.

Macey made a squeaking noise as I looked over her shoulder at what she and Johnson were holding, I covered my mouth with my hands as I looked down at the puppy cupped in their hands,

Macey made a squeaking noise as I looked over her shoulder at what she and Johnson were holding, I covered my mouth with my hands as I looked down at the puppy cupped in their hands,

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(It looks like this)

Jack looked at the puppy over my shoulder and Johnson passed the puppy to me, Macey stroked its head. It was skinny, but not starved, I had a feeling someone dumped it here, I guess Macey had the same thought because, "What type of evil basted would leave a puppy here to die?" She fumed, looking furious. Johnson nodded in agreement. Gilinsky, who had been quiet since now spoke up, "Can we keep him?" He said adorably to Johnson, I bit my lip, trying not to 'awe' at his hopeful expression. Johnson grinned, "Hell yeah." He said as Me and Macey cheered, hugging the small puppy in my hands. While the Jack's smiled at us.

As we got back onto the bus, I passed the puppy over to Macey to hold, as she patted him I turned to Johnson, who was giving the bus driver directions, Gilinsky appeared from around the sleeping area corner, clapping his hands, "Alright, who's up for some shopping." Me and Macey cheered as the puppy looked up at us with confused eyes, I looked down and giggled at him, "We should give him a name." I announced to everyone as Johnson nodded in agreement. Jack picked him up, holding him against his chest, "What about 'Cub'?" He suggested as I smiled, "It's perfect."

A ding went off in my pocket, I pulled my phone out it was a picture of Jack holding my hand and running through the airport, a magazine article I think. It was captioned, 

'Madison Beer left in the past? Jack Gilinsky's new girl!' 

I groaned, this can't go well.


I'm sorry it took like six years to update I was busy with school and stuff like that.

I had half of it written but I was procrastinating doing my homework soooo.


or am i

Love you all

-Blurry Wolf


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