Part 2- Flights

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You see what I did there *wink wink*


Kaylee's POV

Me and Macey scrolled through our Instagram feed as we sat in the first class lounge, putting our feet up on a glossy white table in front of us.

I smoothed down my outfit which was ~

I smoothed down my outfit which was ~

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And Macey was wearing~

Mum had really gone above and beyond for this trip

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Mum had really gone above and beyond for this trip. After we had graduated we had really wanted to go on a trip together, and mum had seen to that.

We sat there for a while but eventually a robotic voice echoed through the intercom, "Flight 69 to Paris is boarding at gate 11."

Me and Macey looked at each other and cracked up, "Flight 69," I gasped through my laughter, Macey, unable to speak, just nodded, doubled over.


We glanced at ur boarding passes as we neared the big plane, glancing over strangers heads into the plane. Macey looked over my shoulder at the slip of paper in my hand, "I'm in seat 002." She said frowning, I was in 004. "Well at least you're behind me." I shrugged. "I guess."

We walked down the aisle talking and slinging our backpacks over our shoulders, as we got to our seats I looked over, "Yes! We got window seats!" I said as I slid over the unoccupied seat beside mine.

I stared out the window before hearing someone sit in the seat beside me, I glanced over, and the I think I fainted because the next thing I saw was Jack Gilinsky's face above mine, "Are you alright?"



Even I'm screaming and this is a fictional book 

Things about to get interestinggggg

Love you all

-Blurry Wolf


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