Part 4- Holding Hands

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This chapter is for the amazing Misticmagic100


Macey's POV

I sat back as Kaylee disappeared back to seat, JJ looking through his bag for something, his dusty blonde hair falling in front of his beautiful sea blue eyes. As we soared above the clouds I plugged in my earphones and clicked play on 'Last Thing' from Jack and Jack's new album 'Gone'. 

~Time skip to the middle of the flight~

The lights of the plane dimmed, casting a soft blue glow radiating from the roof. I clicked off the move I had just been watching, I think it was called Kingsman,  I glanced through the middle of the seats in front of me at Jack G and Kaylee, she was leaning against his left shoulder, fast asleep as G's arm wrapped around her shoulder as he watched the screen in front of him. 

"Hey." I heard a soft voice whisper from behind me, I turned around to see a half asleep JJ looking at me. "Hey." I whispered back as I sat back against my seat again. He smiled softly as he looked into my eyes, we talked for a while, about our lives, his music, everything really, sometime during our talk, our hands had become intertwined, "So what about your dad? You didn't really mention anything about him." JJ tilted his head slightly. 

I looked down, tears threatening to spill down my face, I remembered screaming and crying as a pair of dark brown eyes identical to Kaylee's flashed, bloodshot and red as he shoved our mum through the kitchen doors,her blue eyes wet with tears as her long brown hair stuck to her cheeks as he yelled at her, a smashed beer bottle in his hand. Kaylee grabbed my arm and pulled my out of the room and out of the room and into our room, we slid under our bunkbeds and we silently cried. Sirens and red lights filled the air, echoing through the empty halls.

As we grew, Kaylee disappeared to more parties, went out with more boys and skipped more school, she acted strong, but I heard her crying at night, she was broken on the inside. "Macey? Are you ok?" JJ was looking at me, his eyebrows drawn together in concern, I shook my head slowly and sobbed, he wrapped me into a hug. "It's ok." He said as I buried my face into the soft fabric of this shirt. He let me cry into his chest. We stayed like that for a while until I finally stopped crying. I finally noticed that I had pretty much soaked his shirt, "Oh god sorry." I said quickly as he laughed, "That's alright, at least you didn't faint on me, I heard your sister fell onto G's lap." He chuckled, I giggled with him.     

 Our soft laughter had died down as our eyes locked, I heard his breath hitch in his throat as his grip on my hand tightened, "Um, can I have your number?" We asked at the same time nervously, "Sure." We laughed together, he handed me his phone and I tapped my number into his contacts, as he did the same on my phone. As we handed our phones back, I yawed, "I think I'm going to get some rest." I said to JJ, as he nodded, "I should go and change my shirt, he laughed but he didn't move. I leant on his shoulder and shut my eyes, just before I fell asleep I felt a warm hand grab mine again.


Ooo damn I'm evil

I don't know why I do this to my characters.

Love you all

-Blurry Wolf


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