Part 3- The Chapter of Madness

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Thanks for the chapter title Saskia XD 


Kaylee's POV-

I stared up at his perfect face, my mouth hanging open, internally I was freaking out, but I decided to play it cool. I moved my head, and then realised I had fallen straight onto his lap, I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment, only I would meet my celebrity crush then fall onto their lap.

I quickly sat and and covered my face with my hands, "I'm so sorry, that was so awkward." I groaned into my hands. I heard a soft laugh, "Well that was certainly a first, I've never had a girl faint on me before." He paused, "Actually, I have." He laughed. I turned and peeked through my fingers, he was looking at me, his dark brown eyes burning into me, and his perfect curly hair fell in front of his face.

I slowly took my hands away from my face, my cheeks still hot, and took a deep breath. He smiled at me, "I'm Jack." He said as he shook my hand. I blushed and looked at my feet, "I'm Kaylee." He opened his mouth to say something but before he could, a head popped through the seats behind us, blond hair and pretty blue eyes.

A squeak escaped from my mouth, it was Jack Johnson. "Dude, I'm sitting next to a really pretty girl." He whispered to Jack G. I resumed examining at my aqua blue vans, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. But I think I failed as Jack J seemed to finally notice me sitting there, "I think we both got lucky today." He laughed and raised his eyebrows, my heart beat even faster, if that was possible.

Jack G grinned at JJ, "Yeah man." JJ disappeared through the seats again as I turn and looked through the small gap between my chair and the plane wall, searching for Macey. I couldn't see her, as I was about to turn back around, a pair of blue eyes appeared in front of me, I jumped in fright, "Mace, you scared me." I breathed. Her eyes were open wide and she was grinning wildly, "I'M. SITTING. NEXT. TO. JACK. JOHNSON." She whisper-shouted at me. "I'M SITTING NEXT TO JACK GILINSKY!" I whispered back to her.

We had a silent squealing moment as we freaked out, as we calmed down I glanced back and G, who had his phone open and was scrolling through twitter or something, as I turned back to Macey we pressed our hands together and wrapped our thumbs around each other's hands, our secret hand hug shake, "Good luck Mace." She grinned and ducked back to her seat, starting a conversation with JJ.

I breathed in deeply, this was it, I had imagined this moment many times, but now that it was happening, I was having a mini heart attack. I sat back into my seat, turning my head towards the window as we taxied down the runway, we took off and I snapped a photo of the sunset above the clouds, posting it on my account.

 I sat back into my seat, turning my head towards the window as we taxied down the runway, we took off and I snapped a photo of the sunset above the clouds, posting it on my account

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Likes- @Macey_Devon, @Mother.Devon and 347 others

@Kaylee_Devon ~ Off to Paris we go <3


@Em.Clark- I'll miss you guys!

@Izzi._.Tay3- Luckyy

@Gracie_.0- See you guys there!

~137 More~

I heard a camera click behind me as I took the picture, I turned and saw Jack lower this phone guiltily, "Sorry, just saw a great photo opportunity." He grinned as he ran a hand through his hair. I smiled back at him, "I don't mind, as long as you show me." He leaned across and showed me his phone, I held my breath as his arm brushed against mine. I looked at the photo and nodded approvingly, "You seem to have quite the photographic talent there Gilinsky." I said as he raised an eyebrow and looked at me, "You're a fan?" My eyes widened, "How did you know?" He smirked at me, "You called me by my last name, I didn't tell you my last name." He said, his eyes shimmering with laughter.

I leaned my head bast against the seat and laughed, "Oh god." I said squeezing my eyes shut, "I hope this dosen't make this weird or anything." I said as he shook his head, "You're probably the most chill fan I've ever met. Apart from the whole, 'fainting on me' and stuff." He laughed. "Oh yeah, can I have your Instagram username? I want to post this photo of you." 

As I tapped my instagram user into his phone, I thought about how amazing this was, meeting the Jacks on a plane and everything. I handed Jacks phone back to him and he clicked the blue follow button, which made my heart skip a beat then posted the photo, this was going to be the best 21 hours of my life.

 I handed Jacks phone back to him and he clicked the blue follow button, which made my heart skip a beat then posted the photo, this was going to be the best 21 hours of my life

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Likes- @JackJ, @StassieBaby, @Nashgrier and 3,345,32 more

Tagged-  @Kaylee_Devon   

@JackGilinsky- See you soon Paris! 


@Jadison_Foreves- Who is she

@CameronDallas-  Can't wait man!

@Maddi_Smithh- Omg is that @Kaylee_Devon ?? @Macey_Devon 

~1,495,08 More~


I edited my last chapter so be sure to check that out!

S/O to all my friends who let me use their names!!

I was thinking of adding a plot twist in but idk should I be evil or nah?

Love you all

-Blurry Wolf


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