Part 8- Tides

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I'm going to call Jack G 'Jack' and Jack J 'Johnson' from now on so HERE WE GO



Kaylee's POV-

I sat against the seat, Macey's arm around my shoulder, I was sufficiently freaked out, Jack and Johnson were pacing up and down the living area of the bus, phones held up to their ears, talking in low voices.

They had tried to reassure me it had nothing to do with me, but I saw Jack's facial expression when he saw the message staining the wall. I sunk further into Macey's side, petting Cub, who was curled up in my lap, as Johnson put his phone on a bench, walking towards us.

"I think we need something to distract you." He said, biting the inside of his mouth he looked out the window, suddenly he turned back around, excitement lighting up his face. "How about we go to the beach?" 

I grinned at Macey, who grinned back, if there was one thing that always cheered me up, it was the ocean.

~Time Skip~

I jumped off the bus, landing on perfect white sand. I looked around, inhaling the salty ocean air as I walked over to where I saw the boys and Macey setting up towels. Macey looked up and saw me first, her eyes widened and then a flicker of recognition flittered across her face and the surprised look was quickly replaced by a smirk. I stuck my tongue out at her as Johnson looked up, he smiled at me quickly before staring back at Macey, but not before I saw him whisper something to Jack.

Jack looked up and his facial expression changed dramatically. His eyes looked like they were about to fall out, I giggled at his expression and Macey laughed with me, "He looks exactly like Johnson did when he saw me." She whispered to me, still giggling.

I walked towards the peir in the near distance  running a hand through my hair, when I heard the click of a camera. I saw Jack tapping the screen of his phone and a notification buzzed on my phone, I held it up to my face and unlocked my phone,

 I saw Jack tapping the screen of his phone and a notification buzzed on my phone, I held it up to my face and unlocked my phone,

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Tagged- @kaylee_devon , @jackj and @macey_devon 

Liked by @camerondallas,,  @jolinsky_ship and 556,368,56 more

@jackgilinsky- Damn  @kaylee_devon


@i_write_fanfics_not_essays- Wtf Gilinsky?!

@sammywilk- Who's she G?

@celeb_gossip- Come check out our new post!

@cindy_wolfie- Madison isn't happy with you...

647,836,25 more

I grinned at Jack as my finger slipped down my phone, tapping on the Celeb Gossip page, I went to close the app when something caught my eye, a picture of Madison with Jack, I tapped on the picture, reading the comments,

I grinned at Jack as my finger slipped down my phone, tapping on the Celeb Gossip page, I went to close the app when something caught my eye, a picture of Madison with Jack, I tapped on the picture, reading the comments,

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Tagged- @jackgilinsky, @madisonbeer, @kaylee_devon

Liked by- @claudiatithan, @alliyahmendes, @maggielinderman and 162, 532, 23 more

@celeb_news- Are  @madisonbeer and  @jackgilinsky in breakup town once again?? Jack Gilinsky has been seen with Australian graduate 'Kaylee Devon' and her sister. She has been seen in his tour bus and in a French mall with the hit singers Jack and Jack. Could there be a spark?


@Jadison_foreverr- Bitch better back off Maddie and Jack

@em_clark- Omg! You guys are famous! @kaylee_devon  @macey_devon 

@maggielinderman- Madison and Jack are happy together, back off

@madisonbeer- We're still together, that Kaylee girl is just a crazy fan

23,543,45 more

I laughed, brushing the silly comments off, and ran into the water, where Johnson, Macey and Jack were slashing each other, we spent the rest of the day laughing and having fun. 

I walked, soaking and out of breath to the towels and lay down, propping my head up on my hand as I scrolled through my camera roll, looking at the picture I took at the peir down the beach a bit of Macey,

I laughed as I kept scrolling until I saw a message pop up on my screen,

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I laughed as I kept scrolling until I saw a message pop up on my screen,

Stay away from him 


Love you all

-Blurry wolf



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