Part 9- The Night Before Magcon

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Kaylee's POV

I bounced up and down on my bunkbed, watching Macey slide some sunglasses and turn to face the mirror, and then turn back to me, spreading her arms, "How do I look?" 

I smiled at her, "Fabulous as always." Macey stuck he tongue out at me as she walked out of our room, shutting the door behind her. I sighed and looked into the mirror, today was the day before Magcon, we were on our way to pick up our best friend Gracie from her apartment. 

I heard a loud knock on my bedroom door, "Kaylee! We're here!" Johnson yelled through the door. I checked my outfit in the mirror one more time and nodded at my reflection, satisfied with everything, I walked out into the bright sunlight of a cobbled ally.

Ding Dong...

I stepped back off the porch of a narrow apartment block, raising a hand up to shield my eyes from the harsh sun as I gazed up at the decorated building, as a silhouetted figure appeared on a black railed balcony, "Mace! Kaylee!" The figure squealed down at us.

"Gracie!" We yelled, waving frantically up at her, grinning. She disappeared off the balcony, and a short time later we heard the lock click, and the door swung open, revealing a girl with pale white skin, light green eyes and straight dyed red hair with a snapback over it.

Gracie barrelled into us, wrapping her arms around our shoulders and pulling us into a crushing group hug. I held her at arms length, taking in her new look, she had matte red lip-stick painted on her lips and perfect winged eye liner. 

She spun us all around so she was facing away from the street, were Jack and Jack were standing right behind her. She began talking excitedly, "Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you guys in ages! Did you see all the rumours going around that you guys are traveling with Jack and Jack? What took you guys so long anyways? I was waiting for you guys for like years and-" She stopped abruptly looking at us with her arms crossed, "Why are you guys looking at me like I have mouth herpes?" 

Me and Macey were standing with our mouths open, surprised she hadn't noticed the Jack's before now. I reached forwards and turned her grabbed her shoulders, spinning her around to face the street, she froze as she saw the two figures standing behind her.

"Hey." Jack said, waving slightly. And then Gracie let out a scream so loud, dogs back in in Australia would have heard it.


Gracie sat on her couch, firing question after question at the boys. They were obviously struggling to keep up with the content flow of words tumbling from her mouth. I cleared my throat and looked at Gracie, who's cheeks glowed a soft pink as she realised what she'd been doing, "Ahh, sorry guys. Sometimes I get carried away." The boys smiled, visibly relived to have a break, "That's fine." Johnson said as their phones started ringing at the same time. They looked up apologetically, "It's our managers. Mind if we take this?" Jack asked us as Johnson clicked the answer button and held the phone up to his ear.

"Go ahead." I answered as Jack followed Johnson into the next room. Macey stood up, "Lets go take some pictures on the balcony!" She said as me and Gracie followed her onto the black railed platform.

"Okay and pose!" Gracie said as I looked to my right, lifting up the hem of my black shirt slightly. I held the pose until I heard a click. Smiling, she turned the screen towards me, I nodded in approval, "Nice."

Gracie passed the phone to me as she posed against the railing,

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Gracie passed the phone to me as she posed against the railing,

Gracie passed the phone to me as she posed against the railing,

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I turned to Macey, "You want a photo?" I asked. She shook her head, "I got Johnson to take one on the stairs on the way up." She smiled and turned the phone around to face us.

The stairs on the way up were on the outside of the old building, snaking up towards Gracie's floor

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The stairs on the way up were on the outside of the old building, snaking up towards Gracie's floor. The photo was taking on the first corner of the wooden staircase.

I smiled at the screen, "You two are cute." I saw her cheeks heat up as Jack stuck his head out the glass door, "You girls ready to go?" He asked.

We squealed together, we're going to Magcon!


Sorry I've been a bit slow with updating!! 

Also this chapter was so short wtf

But I might be able to update more now that it's the holidays.

Some plot twists are coming up so be ready!

Love you all

-Blurry Wolf


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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