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selyse harrison

It was fall, but today was super hot so I was going to take advantage of the sun. As per usual, one guard remained at the elevator while the other stayed on the large terrace. Since I was choosing to be outside in a near to nothing bikini, his eyes remained everywhere but me and I couldn't help but wonder if that had anything to do with Jack. Between Kent and Davies, Kent is definitely the quieter one. Although he was younger, he couldn't have been much older than me. But even with his age, he wasn't someone I was capable of fighting if I wanted to.

"Do you have a favourite colour at least?" I laid on a lounger that was fully in the sun. He stood closer to the glass doors where there was shade. I was bored and wanted to attempt at some sort of conversation, even if it was stupid. "Fine. Be that way. But I'm going inside to get juice and you're not getting any. You can stand out here and shrivel up like SpongeBob out of water," I stood to my feet. He was still ignoring me. When I first had him as my guard, I was slightly excited that I might have someone other than Belinda or the older housekeepers to talk to. But he never talks.

"Orange," he spoke up when I arrived at the sliding back door. I hid my smirk, going into the home filled with cool air. I opened the fridge and poured juice into two glasses. A bulb in my head lit up when I realized I had UNO. It was in my room so I rushed upstairs to get it and brought it outside with me.

I set the glasses down at a table that was outside. "Do you wanna play? It requires little to no talking, something you're already good at," I offered him. His eyes went in my direction and he stood staring at the card game until finally caving. He came to sit beside me with a slight angle so I couldn't see his cards. "So, do you like working for Jack?" I attempted at conversation during the game.

He shrugged, saying it wasn't bad. I remember Jack being younger when I first met him. And now Kent is also younger. I can't believe they recruit their men so young.

"Are you in school?"

"Graduated," he set a card down that messed up my plans. I cursed under my breath and watched a smirk appear on his face. That was the closest thing to emotion that I've seen in him since the moment we met.

The game was good. We had a few rounds and he somehow won every single round. He was definitely cheating by looking at my cards because when I complained about it, I somehow won. UNO used to be my best game and now I was majorly sucking at it.

"This is unfair. Unless you've been apart of some major league UNO tournament that's taught you mastermind skills, you're cheating," I groaned, having to pick up four cards.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game. Maybe you just suck and everyone you've been playing with has been letting you win like I did the past couple rounds," he said more words than he had this entire game. I scoffed.

"You're a dick. A cheating dick who also happens to be a sore winner," I crossed my arms when he won again. We were about to start another game until his name was called and his body became stiff just as it had when we first started playing. We looked up, seeing Jack coming out of the penthouse. The friendly, soft face he had this morning was gone. It was replaced with an angry one that looked ready to hurt someone.

Kent stood up like he was guilty of something. "Moretti. I was just-"

"I know what you were doing. Deliberately going against my orders," Jack cut him off before he could even finish his sentence.

"Jack, seriously. We were literally just playing UNO and drinking juice," I did my best to cool down the situation. This was equivalent to a children's birthday party. "It's really not-"

"Selyse, I don't want to hear it right now," he put his hand up to stop me from talking. My jaw dropped at how he'd just spoken to me. He just dismissed me like I was nothing.

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