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selyse harrison

I had been in school for a week. My first day I was extremely nervous because I didn't know what to expect. But now I could say I positively loved all my classes. Even with the two men who followed me around, I felt partially like a normal student. They never entered my classes and didn't really make themselves known when they walked behind me. Unless I spoke to them first, they never really talked to me or each other.

"Hi, can I please get a medium Americano?" I ordered at a small cafe then used the card Jack gave me. He never specified how much I could spend, but I rarely ever use it. He told me I could use it for clothes or food when I went out during the day.

Jack was instilling a lot of trust in me and it wasn't precedented at all. As much as he worked towards making this arrangement work, I still wanted no active parts in it. But I understood arguing with him about it everyday wasn't going to do me any good. If I wanted to get out of here, I would need to gain his trust. Escaping him wasn't going to be something I could plan overnight.

Putting the credit card in my back pocket, I thanked the lady when my drink was made up and I got seated at a table. Kent and Davies didn't sit with me but rather at the next table beside me. I removed my phone from my pocket then dialled my mother's number.

"Hello?" My mother answered. I ran my finger along the rim of my mug. I've had the phone for a few weeks now, but today was my first time calling her. I don't know where my hesitance came from, but for some reason I was scared to call her.

"Hi mom," I stared at my coffee.

"Selyse. How are you, sweetheart? I miss you." I didn't want to make my mother sad by calling. But her voice sounded nowhere near to what it normally sounds like. It's been three months since I moved here and I questioned whether she accepted my fate or not.

"I'm...I don't know, mom," I sighed. Am I hurt? No. Am I in danger? Apparently, but Jack won't elaborate on that. Am I happy? Not the slightest bit. As much as Jack thinks I'm adapting, in my mind, this is nothing but a glamorized prison. Of course I'm grateful Jack isn't as terrible as I presumed. But this isn't the life I ever wanted for myself, regardless of how any other woman would be okay with this. It's fair for me to want something different.

"Is he hurting you?" She nervously asked. I took a sip of my coffee which had cooled down.

"No," I told the truth. Maybe if he was hitting me it would make me feel better about hating it here. But I'm allowed to hate it here. Yes I love UCLA, but I don't love that I was sold to Jack like cattle. "You said you would figure everything out. Are you?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone. "I think about you everyday, Selyse. I promise I will get you out of this. Please trust me," she tried to convince me. I wanted to believe her but it was getting hard. I can't ever imagine putting my child in this position which is why I not only question my father's decision, but my mother's as well. She let me go and didn't even fight for me.

We spoke on the phone for a little longer before she said she had to go. I took my time finishing my coffee then left the cafe with Kent and Davies. My day was done earlier than it should've been since one of my professors cancelled class. A studious person would've stayed on campus to study, but all I wanted to do was lay in bed and sulk.

As soon as I got to the penthouse, I could feel something was off. Kent and Davies got situated on the terrace and I dropped my tote off in the kitchen then went upstairs. My heart sped up when I could hear pounding. It was like a headboard was hitting the wall at a rhythmic sound. I followed the sound, my eyes widening from the sound coming from Jack's bedroom. It wasn't just pounding. It was moans and groans. His door was open a bit and I was able to peep my head inside which was a terrible idea. I knew what was happening but I didn't want to believe it.

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