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selyse harrison

Light. Everything felt light and blissful. The last time I felt this way was at home with my parents. Mornings where we all scrambled around the kitchen to prepare for the day. But that was long over, not only because I wasn't home but because my father was dead.

Moving my body felt harder than usual. A weight was around my waist, keeping my chest close to something warm. It was smooth and hard against my skin. When my eyes were finally pried open, I was forced to shut them from the bright light coming into the room from the window. But when I opened them again, I could fully take in the scene.

I was in Jack's arms. He faced towards me, letting my chest and head be lost in his body. An arm rested underneath my head as a pillow and the other wrapped around my waist.

It felt weird being this close. It was something intimate other than sex. He was fully cocooning me with his leg draped over my body. This large body on mine should've brought me into a state of panic, but it did the opposite. It made me feel giddy inside like I had just gotten off the best rollercoaster of my life. That scared me. It was feelings I had never felt before and it was coming from Jack. Then I remembered the events of last night and how he made me feel like the most important person in the world.

Taking advantage of him being asleep, I let my hand trail his body to fully feel him. The entire time, he hadn't woken up. And he says I sleep like the dead. I placed a soft kiss on his chest, bringing myself closer to hug him. He smelt good. He smelt clean.

The arm at my waist tugged my body close while his chest rose higher than usual. "You're up before me. Rare," the rasp of his voice made my knees shake. It was the reminder I needed that he's not a teddy bear. "How'd you sleep?" His fingers brushed up and down my back. I think I could listen to his morning voice all day long.

"Good," I replied, tilting my head up to look at him. His eyes were already on me and it caught me off guard. I brought my hand to his hair, moving it from his face. It was growing a little longer, but it was at a good length.

Taking even myself by surprise, I kissed his jaw. I lined the kisses up until they arrived at his neck.

"You can't do that first thing in the morning, principessa," he said and I didn't know why. Not until something hard was pressed against my leg. "Unless you plan on following through with your actions."

"Oh," my face showed my surprise and I was thankful it didn't show how hot my cheeks now felt.

Jack laughed before his mouth touched mine. My hand went back into his hair, a moan leaving my lips from how good I felt. This was the perfect way to wake up.

"I'm gonna go make you breakfast before you turn snappy. I'll be back," he pulled his lips away sooner than I would've liked. But he was offering to make me breakfast and I couldn't turn that down. Especially when he was only doing it because he knew how terrible I can be first thing in the morning without breakfast.

He stood up, going to his closet and coming back out with boxer briefs. He headed straight for the bedroom door to leave.

With a groan, I hid my head into my pillow. Never in my life have I ever felt so alive and it was completely fuelled by those mossy green eyes and dark lashes. They're like my own personal drug and they get me to do whatever he wants.

"Fuck, Selyse. What the fuck is wrong with you?" My voice was muffled from the pillow. I'm actively plotting how I can escape, all while I'm slowly developing strong feelings for him. I was starting to question whether leaving him was a good or safe idea at all.

I forced myself out of the bed that was now cold without him. I took a hot shower and used his shower gels that smelled exactly like him. Staying longer in the shower meant more time to think about him while slowly becoming light headed. So I made my shower quick. I went to his closet and chose his t-shirt to wear. Now I was really going to smell like him. I threw the shirt off then went to the bedroom to get back into bed. I'll have to remain naked.

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