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Hello again! So this is an extra chapter, ages after Rachel's Story was done with. This is a look at what happened the night Miranda and Rosie overheard the machinations of Miranda's brothers and fled from their London home. We will see the characters of three people hitherto mentioned yet never seen before - Rosie, James and Desmond de Manley. The idea for this goes to the wonderful VJDunraven. You rock, girl!


Miss Miranda de Manley was on the verge of sleep when she was roused from her pleasant thoughts by the frantic return of her maid into her bedroom. Rosie had left a quarter of an hour ago or so to return The Count of Monte Cristo to the library, and Miranda had really not expected to see her again so soon; especially not with such a dramatic entry. And yet, the mild rebuke she had been planning died on her lips at the sight of the girl before her.

Rosie was panting like she had run a marathon – her eyes were staring wildly at her mistress as one small hand clutched at the lace at her throat. The flame of the taper in her hand was dancing madly in the breeze of her jerky movements, throwing grotesque shadows on the walls of the bed chamber.

Miranda sat up in bed abruptly, the drapes of sleep rudely removed from her consciousness and leaving her heart hammering with some nameless dread.

“What is wrong, Rosie?”

Rosie opened and shut her mouth a few times before visibly swallowing hard. Her eyes welled up with tears, adding to the panicked thoughts flying about in Miranda’s mind. What could be so bad that her sensible friend was affected thusly?

“Rosie?” she questioned again gently, afraid of scaring the girl any further. Perhaps she had seen a ghost – she certainly looked scared enough to give credence to that fantastic idea… “Won’t you tell me what the matter is?”

Finally Rosie seemed to snap out of her terror. She shut the door behind her softly and swiftly came over to her mistress’ side, setting the taper down on a little table on the way. Using the privilege of a close friend, she took the other girl’s hands in her own cold ones before drawing a deep breath.

“I overheard your brothers while they were talking in the study. They were…discussing. They – they – ” she was overtaken by another bout of tears before reining her emotions in once again. The next words came out in a rush, as if she wanted to be done with the distasteful task of imparting information as soon as possible. “They’ve run out of money, and are desperate for some of the ready now. They have hatched a plot to get your money, Miss Miranda. A horrible, unnatural plot,” She again started sniffling, “and that is not even the worst part of it.” She looked up into Miranda’s horrified eyes as she said clearly, “They want to see you dead, and they have already hired people to m-murder you in the near future.

“Your brothers are discussing the plans as we speak.”   

Miranda could not believe her ears. Her first impulse was to laugh it off as a poor joke, but even before the first mirthful ejaculation could burble its way out of her throat, it was suppressed by the realization that neither was Rosie this good an actress, not would she ever spin such a hideous yarn at her mistress’ expanse.

Wrath at Rosie’s presumptuous action immediately took the place of amusement.

“Are you out of your mind, Rose?” she hissed, her eyes narrowing in anger. The loving shortening of Rosie’s name suddenly sounded like an insult from her indignant lips. “Do you even realize what you are accusing my family of? They are my brothers, for heavens’ sake!” she drew herself up and glared coldly at the miserable girl before her. “I might treat you like a sister, but do have a care before saying such things in the future. You may leave me now.”

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