Chapter 23

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                             we are at last!


Flares were lighting up the streets of fashionable London as Rachel was carried towards Miranda’s house. The city’s heartbeat had become magically different by the touch of night, but it certainly did not still its throbbing pace like the other places she had known in her lifetime. She stepped out of her hired carriage outside Rosemary Haven, and took a deep breath to focus her thoughts before entering.

However much Miranda might have protested to the contrary, she felt every inch an outsider to such a glittering event. The mansion was transformed from outside by the cheerful lights placed in every possible dark corner, and Rachel knew that inside the change would be even more marked. There was a steady row of carriages lined up before Rosemary Haven, elegant figures moved about on their way inside and the cool air shivered with their chatter and laughter. She looked about at the assemblage covertly, but couldn’t see any woman who had come unescorted to the ball – unlike her. That fact in itself marked her out.

Stop over-thinking everything, she admonished herself lightly. Your friend wants you here – and it is not exactly scandalous to arrive unescorted to an exclusive gathering, though it may be unusual. Therefore, just march up that drive and hold your head high. She listened to her inner self; it was a good habit she’d cultivated.

There was a grave old man in tailcoats at the door divesting every visitor of his or her cloak in a manner which reminded her of Mr. Garner back home, blending dignity with hospitality. Rachel went up to him timidly and introduced herself, at which he bowed and immediately escorted her into a lavishly decorated ballroom.

She remembered seeing this room on her tour a few days back and being struck then by its gracious proportions and rose silk curtains. Now she got to see it in all its glory – festooned with long garlands of out-of-season blossoms and ribbons, sparkling with countless chandeliers and overflowing with guests that either milled around desultorily or collected in little groups. Thankfully enough, the select nature of the event ensured that it was not a ‘crush’ as she had often heard most successful London parties were wont to be. The guests were carefully chosen and there was space for maneuvering during the dances. The dancing had apparently not started till then, and Rachel was conscious of the little dance card that the butler or footman had unobtrusively pressed in her gloved hands at the door. Will she be able to get even a couple of names on it by the end of the ball?

Her white muslin gown, which had seemed so beautiful and tasteful before, seemed to lose its sheen amidst so many glorious creatures as were now thronging Miranda’s townhouse. What had possessed her to go for simplicity in the first place? It was all Miranda’s fault; she should have warned Rachel about the enormity of the affair and made her wear something more glamorous, by force if necessary! She felt like the proverbial poorer cousin, unaware of the refreshing figure she made in the eyes of more than one person within minutes of her entrance.

Rachel looked around at the crowd, feeling a little lost for the nonce. I know no one out here, she thought with mild panic. Whatever am I doing in this gathering, exactly? But just then she was sighted by the lady of the house herself, who rushed over to her as soon as she could leave her circle of friends behind.

“Rachel my dear, there you are! But you should have arrived an hour ago, you tardy creature,” Miranda grasped her hand and smiled joyously. She was scintillating today in a gown of aqua-blue silk with a gauzy green overskirt that matched her brilliant eyes. Diamonds cascaded from her wrists, ears and throat and, as far as Rachel could make out, they were even embedded in her emerald-hued lace fan. Her auburn mane was arranged in an intricate coiffure around her head with curls cascading over her shoulders, and decorated tastefully with strands of seed pearls. Miranda looked every inch a lady of quality and ample means.

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