Chapter 8

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*Skip to chappy 11 to skip the random topics and to get back to the communicative and body language side of things that this book was meant to be originally written about xD*

Le Food

In this chapter, we'll explore the different effects foods have on your body. The positive ones.

Lets start:

1. Foods for Energy

     - Brown Rice: Brown rice is more nutritious and healthy than white rice. It contains protein, and is a slow-release carbohydrate, which can help with maintaining blood sugar levels and keep energy consistent, as said by Optimum Nutrition Therapy.

     - Honey: This natural sweetener is superior in maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery time than other sweeteners. It acts as a time-released muscle fuel during exercise, considered to be nature's equivalent of an energy drink.

     - Bananas: These are known to be a healthy, natural source of energy. It is composed of sugars and fibre, and if you are ever running late and don't have time for brekky, just peel one of these bad-boys and your good to go. (Although I do recommend a proper breakfast).

(There are many more, but to keep this chapter from being too long, I'll just put three).

2. Foods for Studying

     - Peanut Butter: Apologies to those with a nut allergy. Spread some of this on some wholegrain toast, as it contains healthy fats and lots of protein. Nuts are also known to be a great brain food.

     - Fish: Obviously. Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, including one called docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA.  It is critical for optimal brain health and function at all ages of life. It improves learning and memory, and even reaction times.

     - Dark Chocolate: Treat yourself. Dark chocolate improves blood vessel function, which in turn improves cognitive function and memory. If studying makes you sad :( dark chocolate is good for improving your mood, easing pain, and is full of antioxidants.

3. Foods for Healthy Skin

     - Green Tea: There was a study that showed people who drank beverages with green tea polyphenols for 12 weeks each day, had skin that was more elastic and smooth, and had one-quarter less sun damage when exposed to UV light compared to a control group.

     - Water: I know, pretty much everyone says to drink water for clear skin. But it's true. It keeps your skin hydrated, and makes it appear less wrinkled and more plump. Plus, it's healthy to have instead of soft drinks and some juices.

     - Pumpkin: Having cooked pumpkin converts the beta-carotene it holds, into Vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for the development of skin cells, which results in smooth, soft skin and wrinkle-free.

4. Foods for Weight Loss

     - Eggs: Unlike before, eggs are now seen to benefit weight loss. Eggs are packed with protein, healthy fats, and will make you feel full and a low amount of calories. A study showed that 30 overweight women who had eggs in their breakfast made them eat less for the next 36 hours.

     - Boiled Potatoes: They contain a little bit of everything we need, along with a range of nutrients. Potatoes are also shown to make people feel more full, making people eat less later. After boiling potatoes, leaving them to cool they will form large amounts of resistant starch, which is a fibre-like substance that has been shown to have many health benefits, including weight loss.

      - Tuna: If you aren't afraid of tuna-breath, eat some of this fish that doesn't contain much fat. Many fitness models and bodybuilders eat tuna, as it is a great way to keep protein high and total calories and fat low.


So this chapter is clearly the odd one out.

I'm not just going to continue writing about food, just to give an idea, it will be about life and healthy ways to get through it, tips and facts, etc, which means time to change the title!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will find it useful. I remember reading an article a while ago about how to boost memory for exams, and that came into mind while writing this, so I wanted to share this with y'all.

I hope you will continue to read this, even though it isn't about body language anymore (unless I find some more info about it. There may be some chapters on communication in the future, but who knows.

Thank you for reading and I hoped you learnt something new :)


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