Ch. 3 Starting to Belong

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It has been a two weeks since I arrived here and I already felt as if I belonged and Christopher was a big part of that. He promised to show me where he lived in case I needed to stay and I had told him that I had my apartment that I was living in. I had got to know my neighbors Mrs. Beasler and her husband to my left, and a single mother named Shelby that has two kids that put up a racket across the hall. Shelby had apologized numerous times but I kept telling her that I remember what it was like being a kid and that it was okay. 

So today, Christopher wanted to see my apartment, he was being a good friend and someone that I could rely on, so I didn't hesitate to answer his request. He was really good at making me laugh and smile all the time. I was straightening up my apartment when I heard a car honk. I never really asked what his diet was, but it seemed rude so I re-framed myself from asking. I heard a knock at my door and I went to go get it, Christopher was standing in some blue skinny jeans with a white shirt and a black leather jacket.

 His blue eyes were mesmerizing and I was under his spell "Your gonna have to show me that" I told him. He looked at me as if I had gone crazy "Do what?" he asked I laughed "How you get your eyes so mesmerizing" I said with a little bit of a tease in my voice. He shook his head "I'm not doing anything " he said with a smirk. Oh great, he's gonna make fun of me for saying that let alone asking that! Wait, since when did I care about someone, let alone a boy, was thinking? "Are you going to invite me in or, are you going to just look confused and stand here in the doorway?" he teased with a smirk plastered on his face "Oh, sorry I don't usually meet vampires often or I guess let alone invite them into my apartment". I added sarcasm and at the end a quirked up eyebrow.

"Come on in, may I introduce you to cup B?" I said with a little of a tease in my voice and a smirk. He stepped in "Is cup B meaning blood?" he asked after shutting the door that had a poster of the Bratz dolls on the back. He looked at it and laughed "Which one is your favorite?" he asked chuckling. I looked at the poster "I would have to say, Chloe on that one, probably because I like her style and her pose" I put my hand on my left hip and jutted out my right knee while saying 'pose'. He laughed while I pouted at him "Do you want something to drink?" I said trying to distract him from the poster. "I like A-positive, if you don't mind" I smirked. "So do I" I said while going to the kitchen to get the blood from the fridge. I poured it into two wine glasses that I had gotten cause it felt weird drinking from a bag, even if it came from a bag. I walked into the living room and handed his cup to him "Thank you" he said politely. I turned around to give him and myself some privacy, and began drinking my cup.

There was a knock at the door, I handed my cup to him and he nodded already knowing that I was hiding it from the person at the door. I walked at human pace to the door and looked through the eye piece. I unlocked the door to find Shelby along with her two children, Sam who was three years old and Toby who was only three months. "I am so sorry to bother you but my manager has just called me." I nodded already knowing where this was going "Did you need a babysitter" I asked. She looked at me pleadingly. "Of course, I would be happy to" she breathed out a sigh "You are a life saver" she said with a smile if relief. After her and Christopher had properly met she left me with the children.

After an hour of playing and making sure they wouldn't go in the fridge. I quickly left the apartment and enter Shelby's to get some juice and some snacks just in case if they got hungry. I quickly got the juice and the snacks, I heard a knock at the door and went to go get it "Sorry Shelby is not here." I heard a laugh and saw Alex, my creater shake his head, I went past him and shut my door. Christopher looked up at me, and nodded, "Your creater?" He mouthed I nodded making myself feel as if I was a bobble head.

After we fed the kids with the snacks that I have gotten they were sound asleep from playing, laughing and being tickled by me and Christopher. We laid on my bed after hiding the blood in the closet, I rather not have the children question why we have blood bags. I looked down at our hands, they were almost touching, my whole entire body was hyper aware of him next to me. I inched my hand toward his and looked into his eyes, when my hand touched his, he lifted his hand and intertwined our hands. He brought our hands up to caress my cheek, I closed my eyes and breathed in happily to know that he was touching me. He undid our hands and used his to lift my face to his and our lips touched.

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