Ch. 7 Telling the Story

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After seeing Serenity walking to towards Alexander and the next thing blew my mind. I cleared my throat and talked in a nice calm voice "We should meet at my apartment, Serenity, if you want I can give you a ride-"I didn't even finish a sentence before Alexander interrupted me "She can ride with me" He said with a side smirk. "Ok." I said and mouthed to Serenity "Be careful" and Christopher walked me to my car and opened my door like a gentleman and got into his side and we were off.

I was pacing in the middle of the room with Christopher following me with his eyes. Serenity and Alexander haven't gotten here yet and I was really getting worried. 

"If you keep pacing like that, your going to make a permanent trail" Christopher said, breaking the silence.

I sighed and stopped pacing and went to stand infront of him. "I'm just really worried about Serenity, I know Alexander and what he is capable of. He might try doing something to her that he's done to me." I finish and Christopher furrowed his eyebrows. 

"What has he done to you?" He asked and put his hands around my waist and grabbed my hand so then he could kiss it.


I was leaving the grocery market and heading to grab my dad from the bar so then we could head home since it was getting dark. I was turning the corner when I saw the door of the supposed to be abandoned hotel but went to a live wire bar. I heard a couple footsteps behind me and I turned around expecting to see someone drunk or turning the corner. It was then I saw the man. He was maybe in his early 20s with brown hair and golden eyes. I figured maybe he needed help with something.

"Hello sir, do you need help with something?" I asked. 

He shook his head and gave me a crooked smile and it was then I realized how handsome he was. He took a few steps closer and as he did I felt like I had took a sleepy pill or something, my brain seemed to be fogged up and my body wouldn't function.

"Just relax, don't scream and don't struggle or this will be very hard for me." He whispered in my ear and I realized that I couldn't even move. It felt like I was a statue and I could do anything about it. I felt his teeth at my neck and I realized too late what he was A Vampire. I tried to get away from him by pushing him but nothing worked. I could already tell that I was growing weaker and weaker until I felt something sharp piercing through all of my body. I screamed as I felt like I was gonna black out a few seconds later and I couldn't scream anymore. I blacked out.

"Honey, honey are you okay?" A voice kept asking me. All I could do was groan. My body was on fire. My throat felt like it was raw and my eyes refused to open to see who it was. I tried once more to say something.

"D...Dad?" I whispered and immediately regretted as my throat felt like it was on fire.

"I'm sorry hun, I just saw you lying here and thought better to make sure you were okay, I'm gonna go and find a doctor now ok? Hold on." The voice told me. But I felt thirsty and suddenly I just felt this thirst that made me gasp.

"Ma'am, are you okay?!" He asked frightened and that's when I knew that their was something wrong with me when the thirst took over my body. Next thing I knew I jumped up and grabbed the guy by the throat and I tore into it tasting the red warm liquid from his veins. As soon as I was done I was hitten with shock with what I have done. I did what I thought was best, I ran.

I ran into the forest only to meet Alexander but he wasn't alone he was kissing another girl. She had more of a paler skin and as soon as I saw her bite his tongue I knew she was one of us I hid behind a tree.

"What did you do with Christi, do I have to worry about her?" I heard her ask.

"No Amelia, I'm only yours I just turned her so then I can get the attention off of us." He replied as he started to kiss down her neck.

I couldn't do it anymore. I started to cry, my emotions were a load waiting to go off. I started to run again and this time I didn't look anymore but infront of me. I ran into a clothesline where I saw some pants and a few t-shirts, I took a couple so then I could get the bloody clothes off of me. As soon as I was dressed I noticed a pond and I went there quickly to see that my skin was clean enough. I took a deep breathe and knew what I had to do. 'Start a new life, leave the one you had behind.' And I began running again


I took a deep breathe when I was done telling the story to Christopher. He was looking down at the floor soaking it all in. He looked up and smiled at me. I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I understand why your cautious around him and why you don't want Serenity around him. But Christi we need her to see the real him on her terms. If she asks about him just tell her that he turned you and that's all she needs to know." He put his arms around me as he gave me an evil smile and pulled me onto the bed as he started to pepper my face with kisses. I just laughed and enjoyed this moment with him hoping that the future had more to store for us.

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