Ch. 5 The Chosen

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"Christi, why do I feel thirsty for...?" Shelby's voice trailed off as she looked at the blood in my cup. She got a mischievous look in her eye and licked her teeth. "Alexander, why don't you come in" she said in a flirty voice that wasn't hers. He was suddenly by her side and she looked up to him and she motioned him to come down to her level. What surprised me next was that she kissed him but to be honest she looked like she was suffocating him. Christopher was by my side when I started to growl and my eyes started to fade into a electric blue. Christopher did a double take when he was going to kiss me but ended up seeing my eyes. I growled once more when I saw Alexander trying to bite her neck, just then Sam and Toby came out. When they saw Shelby, their eyes lit up but that wasn't the thing that drew my attention to them. It was what I saw in Sam's eyes, when her eyes lit up I saw a fire in her eyes.

"Mom, are you okay?" Shelby asked, when she had spoken Alexander looked like he had smelled something awful. I looked at the time and realized that it was almost seven in the morning. I was relieved that it was a Saturday and that I could be mean to Alexander and shove him out the door. "The kids have to get some sleep so meanwhile I highly suggest that you get out and don't come into my apartment without my or Christopher's permission" I said with anger in my voice. Sam looked at me and her eyes widened when she saw mine, I looked at her and Toby and saw that both of them had fire in their eyes. I was wondering what was happening to the both of them. Shelby turned around and saw their eyes, she suddenly turned to me "You did this, you made them like this!" She motioned to Sam and Toby, Alexander turned around and did a double take when he saw that their eyes were practically fire right now.

 He flashed to my side and cowered behind me. I flashed to Sam and Toby and made sure they were by my side. I smelled it just then, it smelled like something poisonous around them. Just then Alexander startled me by saying "This can't be happening, they're just little kids." He cried out. I was confused about what he meant. What was happening? Alexander looks at me and motions for me to come to him. I shook my head no, Christopher reached out as if to grab me but couldn't. Shelby laughed as if this was just a joke "There is nothing wrong with my children!" She exclaimed "Then why are their eyes glowing like fire?" Alexander asked her as if she knew the answer or maybe he was hoping she knew the answer.

She looked at him and shook her head "I don't know" she said in a low voice. Alexander sighed and looked at me "These children are the chosen" he said as if they were the most frightening sight he has ever seen. Christopher and Shelby looked back and forth between Alexander and I. Shelby decided to ask the question that was hanging in the air since Alexander had said that Sam and Toby were 'the chosen'. I sorted through the beginning of my life for the information that he told me when we ran into a small group of them after a few months I was changed. "The chosen are kind of like what you hear of the 'blacked eyed children' they mostly travel in groups. They are in it for life and they can make things happen because they are witches just a very rare kind of them. And do not worry, I will make sure they are always safe" I told the last part to Shelby, letting her know that they were in good hands. She nodded and murmured a thank you to me. I got her a cup of blood and when she drank it she looked at Alexander and a look of disgust crossed her face. I laughed as realization hit me, she thought he was a coward. She looked at me and Christopher and decided to join us. Leaving Alexander more frightened by the children.

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