Chapter Nine

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As soon as I got home I called Carti.

"Hello?". He answered.

"Why did you lie about Zack!". I yelled into the phone.

"Woah! Why are you so mad about this?". He sounded like he was getting upset.

"Because Zack is my friend! And you don't get to walk back into my life and start causing problems". I fumed.

"Look! I didn't think it would be a problem! I just wanted some alone time with you! And this is how you treat me! I think your lucky to have me as your boyfriend! Not some dumbass you just met a month ago!". He spat.

"You know what Carti? Your not my boyfriend. Your my ex boyfriend!". I snapped.

I hung up on him. My chest was heaving up and down, and the more it heaved the bigger the lump in my throat got. Then I was bawling my eyes out. And not even because Cardi and I broke up, because I was fed up with all the lies. 

I wiped my eyes and sighed.

I called Zack and prayed to God that he wasn't pissed when I told him.

I opened my window and he climbed through.

He climbed threw and sat on my bed. I took a seat in front of him.

"What's up?". He waited.

"Um-so earlier tonight, Cardi accused you of saying that he'd better stay away from me because he wasn't gonna come between us. And I believed him, until I talked to you and I totally judged your character and I'm sorry". I explained holding my breath afterward.

He was quiet for a moment.

"Well since you wanna believe him over me, go be friends with him because I'm done with you". He said getting up to leave.

"What?!". I shrieked.

Tears poured from my face and he looked back.

"I'M KIDDING". He yelled jumping on me and giving me a hug.

"Zack your a jerk". I yelled hitting him with a pillow.

"You love me though". He smirked.

"Yea, I do". I smiled hugging him again.

"So you and him broken up for, good?". He peered at me.

"Yea". I sighed.

"Thank! God!". He got up from the bed and started doing his happy dance.

"Zack you're just ugh". I laughed.

We decided on watching Pretty Little Liars for tonight, tomorrow would be Saturday, and we would have fun.
When I woke up Zack was gone. I showered and got dressed. Walking downstairs, I saw him and Mom in the kitchen having a conversation. This was heartwarming my soon to be best friend and my Mom having a heart to heart. Then they high-fived which made me a little suspicious.

I entered the kitchen and they got quiet. I looked between the both of them and they looked as if they were up to something.

"What's going on?". I frowned at them.

"Nothing. Me and Zack are just getting to know each other". Mom smiled.

"Huh, ok". I shrugged.

I didn't believe her of course because both of them were very sneaky. And Mom was the Queen of the sneakers.

"So, morning date with Carti?". She asked looking at the way I was dressed.

"Um-no-we uh- broke up last night". I sighed not trying to remember the contents of last night.

"Don't worry about him, we can have some fun of our own". Zack smiled pulling me into a hug.

"I want to go to the beach". I sighed.

"Then beach it is!". Zack got up and started running around like a super hero.

"BUM! BUM! BUMMMMM! BUM! BUM! B-BUM! BUMMMMMM!". He ran around the house singing in a super hero theme song.

"Super Zack tooooo the RESCUE!". He yelled from the living room.

He popped his head back into the kitchen, where me and Mom were laughing our butts off.

Zack entered the kitchen again, laughing.

"Will Zack save his best friend Iris from the terrible Carti?! Stay tuned to find out!". He shrieked in a deep voice.

I laughed so hard there were tears coming from my eyes.

"Your dumb!". I laughed holding my stomach.

He sat back next to me as Mom and I kept laughing.

"Instead of the beach, we should go to the boardwalk". Zack suggested.

I shrugged.

"It's whatever you want to do". I replied.

Mom put out a plate of pancakes in front of Zack and I.

"Well I have to work this afternoon so count me out". Mom replied.

We finished our breakfast and packed swim suits in case we went to the beach. Then I drove us to the boardwalk. Since the beach was right where we parked the car we decided to leave our bags.

"What to do you wanna do?". I turned to Zack who was already headed toward the bumper cars.

I ran to catch up with him.

"I mean yea walk off without any type of tickets". I rolled my eyes handing him his plastic bracelet that let him ride any ride for free.

We raced to the bumper cars and I immediately picked the blue car. He went for the red one. For a Saturday the boardwalk sure was void of kids, except teens.

The guy started the ride and I slammed into Zack.

"Your gonna give me whiplash". He yelped.

"Big baby". I laughed.

I hit an unused car and Zack hit me in the side.

"Haza!". Zack yelled in victory.

I got away turning my car around immediately.

"Auuggghhh!". Zack yelled when I hit him in the back.

Before we knew it, the ride was over and we moved onto a roller coaster, which Zack, made me get on.

The roller coaster slowly climbed up the steep rise.  When the coaster got to the top, I shut my eyes tight hoping I wouldn't puke up everything I'd ate.

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