Chapter Fourteen

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The pyschiatrist had come today. I didnt want to answer any of her questions. All she wanted to talk about is me and suicide.

"Listen. I don't want to commit suicide. I never thought about suicide. I have never even been in a situation to want to commit suicide". I frowned.

"Ok. Then would you like to talk about your problems?". She flipped through her notebook.

"No. I would like to go home now". I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. I'll just be going". She gathered her belongings and exited the room.

Mom entered after her.

"How'd it go?". She was antsy.

"All she asked was did I want to kill myself. Which is a big NO but she stayed on the topic". I explained.

"Well I'm gonna go get your release papers and we'll head home". She smiled running her hand down my curls.

"Ok. I'm gonna pack up". I smiled.

I was glad I'd get to go home today. Away from all the disinfectants and the annoying nurses and the dumb doctors. I sat up and went to go take a shower. I wore a black dress, black flats, an off-white blazer, and some pearl earrings. From the hospital, I'd be going straight to court. I sprayed on some perfume as Mom entered the room.

"Ready to go?". She smiled.

"Hold on just let me tame this mass of curls". I laughed a little.

I successfully pulled all my orange curls into the thick black scrungie.

"Ready". I sighed following Mom out of this depressing hospital.

When we got to the court house, Zack and Grandma were waiting with our lawyer Mr. Reid.

"Hello ladies". Mr. Reid greeted.

"Hi". I let out shyly.

Around other people I'm embarrassingly shy. Especially men.

"Ok. The strategy here is to tell the truth. No matter how bad it may seem, or how embarrassing it is, believe me the judge has seen worse". He gave us a pep talk.

I nodded my head. Hopefully they didn't bring up my Father. Or the thing with Riley.

Minutes later, we were allowed to come into the courthouse.

"All rise! For the honorable Judge Hardey.

We stood. Zack's family were to busy talking amongst themselves that they hadn't heard this command.

"That's a bad way for your clients to start off Mr. Valoy". The judge eyed the menacing family.

"I'm sorry your honor, my clients are a bit nervous". He lied.

"Ok. Let's get this thing going. It says here Mr. Valoy that your clients are trying for the custody of Zack Sanders and suing for taking Mrs. Sanders out of her nursing home? Is that correct Mr. Valoy?". Judge Hardey looked down at the files.

"Yes your honor". Mr. Valoy confirmed.

"And Mr. Reid it says here that your clients are counter-suing for ruining the dining hall at the funeral of Liz Sanders?". She looked to Mr. Reid.

"Yes your honor". Mr. Reid agreed.

"Alrighty then. I will here the plaintiff's side first and then go on to the defendants.". Judge Hardey looked to a man with a large beer belly.

"Yes um your honor, we had a wonderful-er- service for my sister Liz, and these two ladies, crashed her funeral. Also they took my dear Mother out her retirement home and once Liz had died stole Zack away from us". The fat man lied.

"Defendants?". Judge Hardey looked to us.

I stepped up.

"Your Honor, none of which is accused to me and my family is true. Zack had found his mother dead as you can see in this copy of a police report. Zack hadn't had any other family in California. They all had been in New York. Where Zack's Mother Liz had moved away since this year. Zack couldn't have gotten to New York on his own. Which is why we took him in, because to our knowledge we were the only people in California, that could give him a place to call home. As for his Grandmother, as I said before we did not sign her out of the nursing home, so how are we to blame? She only wanted to come to her daughter's funeral. We can't control what someone else does". I defended.

"Ok. Mr. Valoy do your clients have a counter argument?". Judge Hardey stared at the sneaky family.

"No your honor". Mr. Valoy shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Mr. Reid?". She sighed.

"Yes we do your Honor". Grandma piped up.

"Proceed" . Judge Hardey smirked looking at the bewildered faces of the Sander's family.

"I lived in my house for fifty-six years before I was forcefully removed and my belongings along with my home were sold, I was put into a retirement home by the opposite party. I also have reason to believe that they don't have my grandson's best interest at heart, seeing as though Liz Sanders my daughter left a college fund of a hundred thousand dollars. They want that money. Just like they wanted the money from selling my home". Grandma stepped down wiping tears from her eyes.

"Come on your honor! This is a bunch of bull!". The round bellied man roared.

"Order!". Judge Hardy glared a him.

"I've come to my decision". Judge Hardey sighed.

This made my heart drop. What if she ruled in favor of the Sanders. Then Zack and Grandma would be taken away.

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