Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dinner tonight at my Mom's house would be a killer. So I invited Canon over so Mom could meet my new boyfriend. That's right we made it official! I just felt like it was time to embrace Canon with open arms since he cares about me so much. I came home after taking Bailey to the vet and getting him groomed. I showered and changed my clothes. I told Canon to come here so we can ride to Mom's house together. I sat on the couch and rubbed Bailey's fresh fur. He is getting bigger and bigger. This is good because he is a great cuddler. I turned the tv off once I heard Canon knock on the door.

"Hey Strawberry". He greeted me kissing my lips.

"Ready to go?". I asked grabbing my purse.

"Of course I'm ready to meet my girlfriend's mom". He smiled.

"Good to hear". I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

We walked out of the door and to the elevator.

"So who's all gonna be there?". He asked.

"My grandma, my mom, and Zack". I rolled my eyes at Zack's name.

"Ok. I can work with that. Are you ok facing Zack after what happened?". He looked to me in a concern.

"I'm over it. He isn't worth making up with if he doesn't want to take the time to fix what he broke". I explained.

He nodded and led me off the elevator.

"So about your prom?". He smirked at me.

"Yeah?". I narrowed my eyes down at him.

"I want to be your date". He announced.

"Well I don't know, I have a lot of guys lining up to take me". I joked.

He began to pout.

"Stop pouting. Of course I'm going with you". I laughed.

"Your such a tease". He laughed.

We got in the car and drove to Mom's house.

"Do you think your Mom would like me?". He asked nervously as we pulled into Mom's driveway.

"If I like you, she will like you". I smiled reassuringly.

"Good to know". He winked.

I rang the doorbell and Mom answered.

"Iris! I've missed you so much! Who's this?". She beamed.

"Mom, this is my boyfriend Canon". I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Paisley, I brought you these". Canon handed Mom some white roses, her favorite flowers.

"Oh thank you! I love white roses!". She stepped aside to let us in.

"Gramps!". I called.

She walked into the foyer.

"Long time no see stranger". She smacked my hand down as I tried to hug her.

"Sorry, a lot has been going on these days". I explained.

"Alright, just don't let it happen again". She gave me a stern look.

"Dinner is almost ready, I'm making spaghetti, your favorite". Grandma informed me.

"Cool. Canon likes spaghetti too". I smiled to him.

"Well, who is this fine piece of specimen". Grandma smirked.

"Grandma!". I yelled.

"Oh, don't mind me I'm just teasing". She laughed.

"Um-thank you-Mrs. Sanders". Canon scratched the back of his neck.

"Well I hope you make my granddaughter very happy for the future to come". She smiled up at him.

"I promise I will". Canon nodded.

"Dinner is ready! Zack come eat!". Mom called to everyone.

Grandma sat at the head of the table, Mom sat in front of Canon, and Zack sat in front of me sadly.

"So how was everyone's week?". Canon asked.

"Great. I found a prom dress". I beamed.

"Your going to prom?! I thought you said you didn't want to go!?". Mom frowned.

"Well I didn't until I got on the ballot for prom queen". I explained.

"Your gonna be prom queen!". Mom burst with excitement.

"Dislikely". Zack coughed.

I rolled my eyes at him and Grandma slapped his hand.

"Yeah, and Canon is taking me". I continued.

"What about you Zack?". Mom asked.

"I'm going with my best friend Skylar". He gave me a dirty look.

"Zack is there a problem you have with me?". I asked in a sweet tone.

"Yea actually I do. You walk around here acting like your little Ms. Innocent. But you played a part in us splitting up too! I'm not the only bad guy sitting at this table!". He yelled.

"Zack you act like I didn't try to make amends with you. Because I did. And you stood me up". I kept my calm tone.

"I can't do this right now". He spat and walked away.

"Well that was intense". Canon sighed before taking a sip of his water.

"I'm gonna um-get him back here so you guys can talk this out". Mom stood.

"No. He doesn't want to work anything out. He wants me to apologize. Yes, I went on a date after he confessed his feelings for me, but he told me he was gay! So either he was lying to himself then or he is lying to himself now!". I explained angrily.

"I get that. And I hope you two can work it out". Grandma finally spoke.

"At this rate he's going it's not looking too likely". I sighed.

"Mom I'll call you tomorrow. Same for you Grandma". I sighed grabbing my purse.

"I love you, Canon take care of her for us". Mom walked us to the door.

Hopefully Zack could see that he is a bigger jerk than we both thought. And maybe then he can apologize and we can move on. But a girl can only dream right?

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