Chapter Ten

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AN: First off I just want to take this time to thank everyone who is reading this. It's my first book in about six months so I'm kinda shaky on the writing. But I guess you like it since you've gotten this far. Secondly, I want to give a shout out to:



Thanks you guys you've helped me through this book with the funniest comments and I love you for that. Now without further delay Chapter 10.
It turns out, I like roller coasters. It gives you that crazy queasy feeling at first, but then when your hair is flying and you feel like your flying with your arms up, the queasy feeling doesn't matter anymore.

It is now dark and the boardwalk is lit up with all these lights. After the roller coaster we went to the beach and I buried Zack in the sand, we also made sand castles which we crushed afterwards. We were now going to play a carnival game. Zack being the semi-macho man he is wanted to win me a giant stuffed animal.

"So uh-which one you want?". Zack asked.

"Ummmmm-STITCH!". I yelled in excitement pointing to the adorable blue alien.

"Alrighty, so the goal is to hit as many clowns as you can, I'll give you three balls for a dollar". The vendor explained.

"Or you could just give him two seeing as he has no balls". Carti spat.

I turned to him. He was all hugged up with no one other than Riley.

I rolled my eyes at them, they deserved each other.

Zack was fuming. I stared at him, telling him with our code that he needed to calm down.

"Give me nine". He sighed.

I knew Zack would win, because as a kid he played pitcher in little league baseball.

"Hey babe let's watch him fail". Carti snorted.

"Ok". Riley swooned over him.

Zack threw the first ball and it hit two clowns. He pumped all the other balls knocking down all the clowns.

"Here you are little lady, one adorable blue alien". The vendor smirked to Carti.

I touched Stitch's plush fur and hugged Zack.

"Thanks sooooo much". I squealed.

We walked away leaving a stunned  Carti and a flirty Riley.

"You ok?". I looked up to Zack.

"Yea. He just pissed me off the way he goes after your cousin as soon as you guys break up". He explained.

"It's fine. They deserve each other. They make one evil power couple". I giggled.

This got a laugh out of him.

"Wanna go home?". I asked feeling tired.

"Yea sure". He smiled down at me.

We turned around headed to the parking lot.

Carti and Riley were at the same game. Carti was throwing balls and missing clowns.

"Hey Mr.! Why don't give him two balls for free, I think he needs them!". I yelled.

The vendor gave me a thumbs up which caused a fit of laughter from Zack and I.

We headed back to my house.

"I gotta go make sure my Mom isn't drunk or half dead". Zack sighed.

I hugged him and he went to his house across the street. I closed the front door feeling bad for Zack.

His Mother's boyfriend was abusive, not to Zack of course. And his Mom let it happen. She never got away. She didn't care. To drunk to even comprehend what was happening to her.

"How was your day, Iris?". Mom piped from the living room.

"Good. Zack won me a giant stuffed animal". I smiled.

"That's great". She replied.

I went upstairs and showered. I wasn't even hungry at this point. I climbed into bed and dozed off to sleep.

Sunday mornings, I had a ritual. Hot chocolate, white chocolate, and funny movies. I would invite Zack over but he was visiting his grandmother. I dragged Stitch and a giant blanket downstairs and into the living room. I made hot chocolate and took the candy out of the pantry. Once I got to the living room I turned on Netflix and picked the movie White Chicks.

At some point in the movie I had fallen asleep. But was woken up by someone banging on the front door. Sleepily I went to the door. Opening the door, there stood Zack covered in blood, crying.

My eyes immediately went wide.

"Zack! What the hell happened to you?!". I shrieked.

"He-he killed her". He whispered.

"What?!". I was confused.

"I-I should have never left her alone with him". He babbled.

"Zack this isn't your fault". I was on the verge of crying.

"I-what? I-I-what do I do?-My-my Mom is dead and he's gone. What d-do I do now?". He repeated.

"What did you do when you found her?". I wiped away some of his tears.

"I-I, called the cops. B-but I couldn't get a word out s-so they hung u-up a-and s-she's dead, how? why? I could've stopped him". He rambled on crying even harder.

Then there was more banging on the door. I left Zack on the floor to answer it. There stood two police officers.

"Hi, we are responding to a call from across the street, but there is no answer, is there a disturbance we can help with or was this some type of prank call?". The first officer stared at me skeptically.

"Uh-yes my friend's Mom is across the street she is-deceased". I sniffled.

He radioed in for an ambulance.

"Ok, do you know anyone else who is in the house?". The second officer questioned.

"My friend, he's here, but you aren't going to be able to talk to him right now". I sighed.

"Why?". They looked confused.

I looked back to where I left Zack, only to also notice the back door being open.

"Because he isn't here". I stared at them terrified as to what Zack would do in this state of mind.

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