Seeing Her Again

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Dallas pov.
We were walking back and I was nervous to what will happen when my brothers see me. I was taking a walk when Toby and Masky were there but along with splendor. I also have proxics and there the girl and boy versions of slender. On the walk Toby and Masky were leading the way while I was in the back in deep thought. We arrived at the mansion and Splendor, Toby, and Masky went inside to get the others. I went to my mantion while they were at slender and told all the pastas that I had to grabbed on to me. Once we got there we hid in the bushes and trees so it would be a surprise for them. It took a couple of minutes till they got outside. Toby, Masky, and Splendor looked disappointed that I disappeared all of us laughed and came out when they turned around to go inside. I let out my tenaculs and grabbed slender, Trender, Offender, and Splendor. My brothers tenced​ and the boys gasped. Us girls were trying to hold our laughing. One by one the girls creep up on the boys and I counted to three 1 .. 2.. 3! We screamed Boo! The boys screamed and we laughed. They turned around to be meet with girls on the ground laughing their butts off. We stopped laughing and smiled at them. They looked shocked. Slender, Offender, and Trender just noticed me. Dallas is that you? Yep it is brother good to see you too. Where have you been? On the other side of the woods. I know you never been there that's why you didn't know I was here all along. Oh okay. Also who are they? He pointed to the girl creepypasta. Oh them these are my creepypasta and proxics. There the girl versions of yours. Oh that makes sence. It was good to see you again but we need to get going. Why don't you stay for a little bit longer? Sorry Masky we need to get going but you'll see us around. Okay but please visit us or we will. Okay I'll try to. Bye.

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