No more hunters!

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Dallas pov.

I watched as all the hunters pointed their guns at me. I did the mocking bird call and heard tons of replies. I smirked and seen very tall figures start to come out. It was other Slenders. We all did some static but I seen a Slender that was my cousin. I gasped and teleported to her. The others Slenders nodded to me and I teleported inside. I picked Dalora up and ran to the music room. I stopped in front of the door and she changed into her other form. I contacted sub and he teleported in here. They both ran in the music room and everyone looked shocked. I teleported out there and nodded. The war started. I started to fight and everyone else did. I felt darks coming to everyone and made a shield around everyone with my hair. I was the only girl and they all looked at me. They nodded and I let my hair go back normal. We all made the air statice and they covered their ears. We stopped and they all looked at us scared. We had threw there weapons somewhere and they were froze in place. We all said at the same time. YOU CAME ACROSS THE WRONG FOREST. We shot our teneculs and they died. I thanked everyone and unfrozen the mansion. I was about to walk in but felt extreme pain in my back. I screeched and turned around. I seen every single on of my teneculs on the ground. I looked and seen people with katanas. I felt angry boiling inside me. I screeched and their heads exploded. I got some bags of blood and was going to go inside but I blacked out.

Offender pov.

I sat next to Offendy. We both were sobbing and I seen something. I noticed that it was teneculs. Dallas teneculs don't go out far so that only meant one thing. I gasped and Offendy looked at me. I pointed to the screen and she gasped. Everyone looked at us as we slowly got up. We started to cough and I felt weak. We walked to the door and was about to go out but were stopped.

Mom: It's not safe.
Offender: Her t-teneculs a-are c-cut off.

They all gasped and looked at the screen. We took this time to go to Dallas. We seen her on the porch blacked out. She groaned some and started to wake up. She did and seen us. She pulled out bags of blood and handed them to us.

Dallas: D-drink. I know you don't feel well.

We nodded and drank some. I felt better and helped her up. Offendy helped also and we went inside. Everyone was downstairs and gasped.

Dad: You should of told me!
Dallas: I'm not l-letting m-my father d-dissapear because of h-hunters a-again. I'm not letting you leave. I finally g-got my family back.

We all looked at her shocked. She looked down and had some tears. She wiped them away and looked at us.

Dallas: I can stand. I just need to do something.

We nodded and let go of her. She walked upstairs and we all sighed.

Mom: She should of told us.
Offendy: She doesn't want to loose us. I walked past her room and heard her mumbling.
Offender: Yeah. She saved me so many times.
Slender: When?

I froze. Dad seen me tense and looked confused.

Offender: When we were younger. Splendor and Surrender were there along with Trender.
Tender: Dallas always picked them up. Once they got home the boys had puffy eyes and we didn't know why. They never told us.
Dallas: The reason why Trender doesn't get close to a human. They hurt my brothers and I will kill anyone who hurts any of my family.

We all looked at the stairs and Dallas was there with her teneculs out.

Dallas: Offender don't even ask how I have my teneculs back.
Jeff: How do you have your teneculs back?
Mom: Dallas calm down.
Dallas: Sorry.
Dad: It's okay. Wait. Are your teneculs different colors?

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