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Toby's pov.
Once we got to the mantion we all did stuff till dinner. It was a silent dinner. I was still thinking about today and at the store. I could tell slender was thinking about it to. Hey Dallas?  Yes Toby? Did you go to the store today with your creepypasta? Yes you guys were there but looked confused. Okay thanks! Your welcome Toby.  Slender are you confused about what happened at the park and store? Yes do you know who they were? Yeah we meet them yesterday and they scared us. So it was Dallas and the others? Yep! How do you know this? I got my ways! Okay. We finished eating and I was about to go see Dallas but someone stopped me. Where are you going? To see Dallas. Can I come? Sure you even can bring Hoodie if you want. Naw I'm good. Okay let's go! Go where? Umm to visit someone. Who are you visiting? Dallas. Be careful. Yes sir. After that we walked to her mantion. Once we got there we knocked on the door and the girl version of Jeff came and opened the door.

Girl jeff: Yes?
Toby: Were here to see Dallas.
Masky: We don't want trouble  we just wanted to visit.
Girl Jeff: Okay you can come in.

We walked inside and the girl Jeff went and got Dallas. We waited for about a minute and Dallas cane down.

Dallas: You wanted to see me boys?
Toby: Yes ma'am.
Dallas: Okay.  Let me guess it's about at the store?
Masky: Yeah. I don't know how we didn't recognize you but we didn't.
Dallas: Yeah that got me confused too because Toby has seen my human form.
Toby: Yeah. Also do you think you could come to the mantion?
Dallas: Umm sure but I have to let my proxies know so they can try to keep the house clean.
Masky: That's fine.
Dallas: Okay. Plug your ears.

We plugged our ears while Dallas said.
I'll be at my brothers for tomorrow so please keep the house clean or you will have to clean it back up!
All : Yes ma'am!
Dallas: Okay have a good time and you know how to cook so please don't burn the house down.

They all nodded and we were off to slender mansion.

Dallas pov.
On the way to the mansion I was think why they wanted me to come.

Dallas: Why did you want me to come to the mansion?
Toby: Well we haven't had your cooking and you should see your brothers you haven't seen them in awhile.
Dallas: Okay good point.

After that we just were quite the rest of the way there. Once there we walked in. I looked around and noticed that they all went to sleep. Toby and Masky went to bed while I was walking around the house. I passed the living room and seen Offender laying there without a blanket. I sighed and grabbed one for him. I then walked around some more when finally I just went to my mansion and slept.

( Morning)

I woke up earlier do I could go to Slenders to make breakfast.  Once there I knew what they would want so I made it and waited for them to get up. Once the clock struck I heard some footsteps coming down.  I just sat and waited for them all to get here. Once all were here they sat down. Splendor,Trender, Offender, and  Slender came in after. They sat down at the table.

Dallas: Good morning!
Toby: Good morning Dallas, Slender, Trender, Offender, Splendor!
Slender: Good morning to you too.
Splendor: Good morning!
Dallas: Hope you enjoy breakfast.
Masky: Thank you Dallas.
Dallas: Your welcome.

_____ In Dallas head____

Voice#1: Kill them!
Voice#2: Kill Them!
Voice#3: KILL them!
Voice#4: KILL THEM!


That's all I heard. I just realised why I never was with my brothers or this will happen to them and me and we them go crazy.

Creepypasta x slenderman sisterWhere stories live. Discover now