Chapter 3: Underground Facility

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May 15, 2014, Day 3

I woke up next to a cold rusted bar. I didn't know where Chris was nor where I was. I tried to get up but I was hand cuffed to the bar. I heard someone coming my way, I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard the man walk past me so I slowly opened my right eye to see where he was going, what caught my eye was that he has the keys to my handcuffs to get me out. I looked around to see if I could use anything to pick the lock of the handcuffs, but there was no luck. In front of me there was a table with my supplies on it. I laid down so I was able to reach the table with my feet. I grabbed a hold of the table with both of my feet and pulled it closer to me. I heard a door slam and footsteps coming closer to me. It was the man with the key to my handcuffs. He saw me reaching for my supplies, he rushed over, not calling any backup.

"What are you doing?" The guard said suspicious.

"Nothing just stretching" I told the security guard pretending to stretch.

The guard pushed the table back away from me, but as he was walking away and my heart started thumping, I tripped the guard. The guard fell landing on his hands just in time to catch himself. I then quickly wrapped my arm around his neck putting him into a choke hold, choking him. He started to reach for his walkie talkie to contact backup. The guard was able to put two fingers on the tip of the walkie talkie until he passed out from lack of air due to my choke hold. After he passed out I reached for the keys and then unlocked the handcuffs. I quickly rushed over to my luggage and only took my pistol and katana. Everything else was just weight holding me back. I then checked the guard for anything that would come in handy. I found only a name card pass to unlock certain doors. I walked over slowly to the door the guard kept walking through. I saw a small vent next to the door. I took off the vent's door and crawled into the vent. I shut the door so no one would be able to find where I went. I began to crawl through the vents, I was looking through the other vent holes to see if Chris ended up here as well and hopefully not turned into one of those things outside. But then I thought, "why would these people try to kill us if we're not infected". I then crawled on, but then I heard a couple of guys talking about why the people were turning into those walkers.

"We need to find more theories on how to enhance these creatures to make them more stronger and smarter." One man said to the other.

"If the government finds out what we're doing then we'll be executed." What seems to be a doctor said to the man who looked to be his boss.

"Don't worry I've got everything under control." The boss said evilly.

"I wonder what he means by that." I thought to myself.

I went on crawling looking for Chris. On my way looking for Chris I passed some labs which seemed to be testing centers on animals and the walkers. While I was thinking I was interrupted by a yell to someone to stop or he's in pain. It sounded like Chris. I crawled even faster. I found the room that Chris was in. The people who ran this facility locked Chris in a room with two walkers. I rushed as quickly as I can to save Chris. I swiped the security guard's card to open the door. The door wouldn't open, it said "Access denied".

"Don't worry Chris, just try to stay alive!" I yelled to Chris.

I rushed over looking for a power switch to turn off the power. I looked up to read a sign, one of the signs said "Generators" the sign pointed to the right. I quickly ran to go to the generators until I ran into another one of the guards.

"Great" I told myself.

The guard grabbed me and picked me over his shoulders. I remember a couple of moves from video games and a week of karate lessons to get out of locks, if someone grabs you, or if your over someone's shoulders. I twisted my arm around his neck, I tightened my arm, and I tried to pull him down but I failed to do that. He picked me up and threw me to the floor knocking the air out of me. My eyesight got blurry but I saw a lady run up to the guard and kicked him behind the leg making him fall to his knees. The mysterious woman then put her arms around his neck then broke his neck. I got up slowly.

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